【禁聞】民調顯示 逾六成港人支持平反六四














美國白宮的請願網站(We the People),5月26號,出現一條要求中國(共)當局停止迫害天安門民主運動參與者的請願內容。署名「紐約B.T. 」的請願者寫道﹕「世界永遠不會忘記和平示威者遭武裝部隊屠殺。到今天,這些受害人、參加者和組織者,仍要承受被誣告和流亡的遭遇。」

採訪/易如 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Latest Survey: 60% Hong Kong People Voted for Redressing of the June 4th Incident

The commemoration day of Tiananmen Students Protest

in June 4, 1989 is approaching.

The latest poll shows that more than 60% of Hong Kong

people support the redressing of the “June 4th” incident.

However, some so-called “Hong Kong residents” said that

Hong Kong people must stop being concerned

about China´s business,

must not concern themselves about the

development of democracy in China.

These people urged Hong Kong citizens to

resist the coming “June 4th” Event.

Some students believe that some people deliberately influence

public opinion, so as to wipe “June 4th” from people´s minds.

However, many people believe that it is important for China´s

democracy development to redress the “June 4th” incident.

Let´s take a look.

The University of Hong Kong´s latest poll shows that

63% of surveyors support redress for the “June 4th” protest.

The rate of supporters is the highest since Hong Kong´s

handover to China.

68% of respondents think the Chinese regime was wrong

in it´s actions during the June 4th incident.

54% of respondents said the Beijing students

did the right thing.

The younger surveyors, gave more support to

redress of the June 4th incident, as well as to the student´s protest.

A Hong Kong Baptist University doctoral student said that

for the current situation, to change China,

one must remember the historical facts of the massacre.

The doctoral student, Hong Kong Baptist University:

“The June 4th incident was a student protest against corruption in China.

Many people lost their lives. If this fact cannot be proved

as history, it means our lives will never change.

One must have a clear stance in this regard.

Only by having a clear stance on the issue,

can we make the Chinese regime face history truthfully

and make it realize the reality of its current situation.”

However, some Hong Kong people claimed to care

about “Hong Kong people´s interests first” and

the “Separation of Hong Kong and China´s respective

democracy development.”

In addition, they urged Hong Kong people to not participate

in the June 4th events organized by the Alliance.

The doctoral student, Hong Kong Baptist University:

“Some people are deliberately influencing public opinion.

Their purpose is to give the public the impression that

the majority of Hong Kongers don´t care about democracy.

In other words, if it is said everyone is concerned, then

people will be actively concerned about the issue.

If it is said that no one cares about it, then perhaps many

people won´t care about it.

This is an intentional attempt at spreading

anti freedom propaganda.

The reality isn´t like this, Hong Kong people

care very much about mainlanders.”

Li Zemin, a student at City University of Hong Kong:

“Many claimed, the separation of Hong Kong and Mainland

China´s democracy movements, is unreasonable.”

Some comments said that the Chinese Communist Party

(CCP) has postponed Hong Hong´s election from 2008 to 2012, then to 2017.

Many Hong Kong people feel hopeless, they realize that

the CCP doesn´t want Hong Kong´s democracy.

Li Zemin said it is beginning to feel like the students´ protest

in Hong Kong now is similar to the June 4th students ´

protesting against CCP corruption, and demanding of

human rights.

Many young people in Hong Kong believe that the

“June 4th” incident should be redressed.

Li Zemin: “Hong Kong´s mainstream supports

the redress of the “June 4th” incident.

In Hong Kong, more and more protest and movements

are participated in by young people.

There should have been many more young people

planning to attend the “June 4th” Eve.”

A Hong Kong citizen, Mr. Peng believes that the CCP

isn´t legitimate, its behavior has never won people´s hearts.

Now, young people in Hong Kong speak out for “June 4th”.

It shows they have independent thinking, they haven´t

been influenced by the CCP´s propaganda.

However, Mr. Peng has different views about

redressing the “June 4th” incident.

Mr. Peng: “Many Hong Kong citizens expect

the CCP to redress the 『June 4th』incident.

However, I think the CCP actually isn´t qualified to do so.

As the CCP is a murderer, we can´t ask a killer to redress

for his victims, can we?

The CCP indeed isn´t qualified to do so,

this kind of regime should be removed.”

On May 26, the Whitehouse Petition website-We the People

posted a petition.

It requests that the Chinese regime stop persecution against

participants of the Tiananmen democracy movement.

A petitioner@Newyork B.T. wrote: “The world will never

forget the protesters who were killed by the CCP army.

Until now, the victims and participants are still

being persecuted and exiled.”
