【禁聞】重慶傳人事再變 黃奇帆仕途到頭?







華頗:「在搗毀薄熙來的案件當中,他又立了大功,這也是肯定的,所以不管怎麼樣,由於歲數問題,他肯定是平安下莊 ,當然他的仕途,我看也就是在重慶市市長這個位置上也是他一個終點。」










採訪編輯/李韻 後製/ 薛莉

Chongqing Leadership To Reshuffle Again

A new reshuffle is reportedly to take place

in the Chongqing leadership.

Zhang Guoqing, a member of Chinese

Communist Party(CCP) Central Committee,

will be named Chongqing’s deputy party chief

and vice mayor.

He will succeed Huang Qifan as Chongqing’s mayor.

Analysts say that Huang Qifan was involved in Bo Xilai’s

evil doings, and that his career has come to an end.

Since the Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun

scandals were exposed In 2012,

Chongqing leadership reshuffling has

become a sensitive issue.

Media have reported that Ma Zhengqi,

Chongqing’s deputy mayor,

will be appointed deputy chief of Beijing Municipal

Administration of Industry & Commerce.

Zhang Guoqing, 49, will take over as Chongqing’s

deputy Party chief and vice mayor.

Zhang Guoqing graduated from Tsinghua University,

with a major in quantitative economics.

Zhang was formerly an assistant to a chief representative

who has served in Tehran and the Middle East.

Later, he was promoted to vice president of

China North Industries Corp.

Zhang Guoqing is currently North Industries’

General Manager and deputy Party chief.

At the 18th CCP Congress, Zhang Guoqing was

selected as a CCP Central Committee member.

Analysts believe that, after a warm-up, Zhang Guoqing

will finally take Chongqing’s mayor’s position due to his economic background.

In November 2012, Huang Qifan was selected as

a CCP Central Committee member.

Yet, Huang’s future career path is still controversial.

Political observer Hua Po thinks it’s only a matter of time

before Huang Qifan exits from power.

This is because Huang must have followed Bo Xilai

in evil doing, he says.

Hua Po: “He contributed to the removal of Bo Xilai.

So no matter what, he will certainly peacefully step down,

especially considering his age.

As for his career, I think Chongqing mayor

is his last stop.”

Liu Yinquan, Chair of US-based

China Social Democratic Party, has commented.

Chongqing’s new Party chief Sun Zhengcai

is certainly eager to use some new faces.

Liu says that Huang Qifan was credited with

having helped in the purging of Bo Xilai.

Huang may thus be appointed in a nominal position

until he retires.

Liu Yinquan: “Huang Qifan had assisted Bo Xilai in

staging Bo’s ‘Chongqing mode’ for years.

But why was Huang allowed to stay on at this post

at the 18th Party Congress?

I think it may be due to Wu Bangguo’s backing him.

Also, Xi Jinping, after just taking office,

wants political stability, especially in Chongqing.”

In 2001, Huang Qifan began his tenure as Chongqing

vice mayor. In 2009, Bo Xilai promoted Huang to mayor.

During Huang’s 11-year tenure in Chongqing,

the city changed six Party chiefs.

Huang was unofficially tagged a political “tumbler”.

Huang Qifan once claimed that he worked with Bo Xilai,

as easily as a fish in water.

Reportedly, Chongqing locals related that

Bo Xilai had three talent advisers,

Xu Ming for stratagem, Wang Li Jun for security,

and Huang Qifan for economy.

After Bo Xilai’s removal in 2012, Huang Qifan openly

pledged his loyalty, “resolutely remaining faithful to the Party Central Committee.”

Huang was rumored to have exposed some evidence

of Bo’s guilt, for the sake of self-protection.

At the 2013 CCP Two Sessions,

Huang Qifan became talkative.

In an exclusive interview with China’s media,

the journalist had suggested that

Chongqing’s investment in many construction projects

had exceeded local fiscal revenues.

Huang replied that Chongqing’s land sale revenue alone

has gained thousands of billion yuan.

Hong Kong’s media reported that Huang,

heading a delegation, arrived in Hong Kong on April 16.

The group’s aim is to attract foreign investment.

Critic Wang Beiji says that Bo Xilai committed

innumerable crimes in Chongqing.

During Bo’s tenure, Huang was certainly

deeply involved in these evil acts.

Wang Beiji reveals that the land sale revenue,

worth thousands of billion yuan,

was actually acquired by seizing

land owned by a great many farmers.

These farmers, encouraged by the regime’s deceitful policy,

had to make a living in cities from then onwards.

Wang Beiji: “How could Huang Qifan still keep his post

after Bo Xilai had been taken down?

This was because, at the time, he betrayed Bo Xilai,

turning him in to a bigger demon, the CCP.

He could safely follow a big evildoer for several years,

and finally, when his number was up,

he was able also to safely distance himself from

Bo’s crimes, that’s not an easy thing to do.”

Wang Beiji says that the CCP dictatorship has made

all officials commit evil crimes for it.

These officials, for their own sake,

would even sacrifice others.

Yet, they have also become victims of the CCP’s

autocratic political meat grinder, according to Wang.
