【禁聞】律師被拘案發酵 逾百律師聯署要人











山東濟南律師 劉衛國:「如果有的話,法院是有庭審錄像的,他應該公開這個錄像。據我們了解,現場有很多旁聽人員,王全章律師在法庭上沒有任何過激或不當的言行,所以我們認為這是對辯護律師打擊報復的行為,(法官)肯定是不合理的。」






採訪/陳漢 編輯/王子琦 後製/孫寧

Detained Chinese Lawyer Gets More Support

Wang Quanzhang, Beijing human rights lawyer, was detained

for ten days after he defended a Falun Gong practitioner.

Lawyers in China were shocked and angry over his detention.

Many lawyers rushed to Jingjiang to rescue Wang.

139 lawyers co-signed a letter asking for his immediate release;

some lawyers wanted to organize 300 people to protest

in front of Jinjiang Court.

A huge human rights activity is evolving in Mainland China.

On April 3rd, Beijing lawyer Wang Quanzhang defended

a Falun Gong practitioner in the court of Jingjiang, Jiangsu Province.

After the trial, the judge ordered Wang be taken away for

“disrupting the order of the court”.

On the morning of April 4th, Wang Quanzhang was

sent to a detention center in Jinjiang City for ten days.

Huang Jiade, Wang’s assistant: “Before the end of the trial,

Wang Quanzhang used his cell phone to take a picture as evidence.

The bailiff confiscated Wang’s cell phone.

After the trial was over, everyone was dismissed, but Wang

was kept in court with the judge. Then, Wang disappeared.”

Online news said the reason for detaining Wang was

because he spoke too loudly in court.

Veteran investigative reporter, Ji Xuguang asked the court,

“Is speaking with a loud voice also breaking the law?”

He Bin, the Deputy Director of the Law School at the China

University of Political Science and Law said on his blog:

“This was a serious human rights violation against a lawyer.

It was another blow to the rule of law,

following the Li Zhuang case.”

With the rising of public voices, on the afternoon of the 4th,

Jingjiang City Court official website announced that

Wang had been detained because

he had seriously violated a court order.

Nanjing lawyer, Chang Zanning, law professor at the

Southeast University: “This is a step backward for the rule of law. It is a delusion.

Lawyers are supposed to uphold the law and protect

people’s rights and interests.

If you suppress lawyers and arbitrarily detain them,

people’s rights and interests cannot be protected.

Therefore, I think this is a institutional setback.”

Liu Weiguo, Shandong Jinan lawyer points out that obviously,

this is a retaliation from the court, an abuse of power.

The court’s action has no legal basis, and there is no evidence.

Liu Weiguo: “The court has the trial video,

and it should let us look at it.

Lawyer Wang did not say or do anything improper.

There were many observers in court too.

So, we believe this is a retaliation against the defense case.

That is definitely unreasonable.”

Lawyer Liu Weiguo initiated an emergency rescue of Wang.

Currently, supporters are rallying in Jingjiang.

In addition, a letter requesting Wang’s immediate release

has been co-signed by 139 lawyers.

On the morning of April 5th, Beijing lawyer Qing Shi said

on his blog that he wanted to organize 300 people

to protest in front of the Jingjiang Court.

However, his blog was closed down in the afternoon.

Liu Weiguo: “We have at least two actions to take.

We are going to go to Jingjiang Public Security Bureau

and apply for a permit to protest in front of the court.

We will also have a live discussion tomorrow afternoon.

We want to discuss what lawyer Wang did that was illegal,

and to ask what power does the court have to arbitrarily

deprive a lawyer of his right to speak and to defend his clients.”

Chen Youxi, Chairman and director of Jing Heng Law Group,

wrote on his microblog:

”The significance of the Wang Quanzhang incident is that

it reminds us that judicial detention of lawyers is nothing new.”

Yang Xuelin, a Beijing lawyer: “This is the first shot fired

in China regarding lawyers’ rights in 2013.”
