
















採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/蕭宇

Beijing’s Public Security Bureau’ Huge Stability Bill

Beijing’s Public Security Bureau and Traffic Management

Bureau recently announced details of their annual budgets.

It appears that 3.3 billion and 2.1 billion Yuan will be used

for “maintaining public security” by these bureaus in 2013.

Some Chinese scholars remarked, rather than spending

numerous revenues to “maintain stability,”

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) should use the money

to improve people’s livelihood, which is the fundament for social stability.

On Mar 19, Beijing’s Public Security Bureau and Traffic

Management Bureau announced their next year’ budgets.

The Public Security Bureau’s budget totals 3.9 billion Yuan,

including nearly 3.3 billion Yuan for “public security issues;”

the Traffic Management Bureau has a budget of 2.4 billion,

again including 2.1 billion for “public security expenses.”

Before the CCP’s 18th National Congress in 2012,

the Beijing government held a kickoff meeting for the security staff of the congress.

Statistics show that besides the police force, only in Beijing

there are 1.4 million volunteers working on real-name control system or Internet control.

As early as March, 2011, the Finance Ministry reported

that the CCP will spend 624.4 billion Yuan that year

in public-security related systems such as police,

national security agencies, militia, courts and prisons.

This expense is 21.5% higher than that of 2010, and even

exceeded CCP’s military budget for 2010, 6 billion Yuan.

Zhao Shilin, a professor at China’s Minzu University,

questioned CCP’s hardball policies of stability maintenance.

Zhao Shilin: ”Talking about CCP’s public agencies,

shouldn’t there be some monitoring or “check and balance system” over their budgets?

Their expenses should be approved,

and they should not take whatever amount they ask for.

Our state should take some direct measures

to solve these issue, particularly through legislation.”

Zhao Shilin added, although such a great deal of revenue

is used to “maintain stability,” it will not be really effective.

Zhao Shilin: ”Social stability cannot be achieved

by suppression.

The problem is that the party is bullying ordinary people

so badly, isn’t it?

There are so many ugly acts by the officials,

and people are being deprived of their basic civil rights.

I recently wrote a microblog message

to describe China’s reality.

I wrote, “all officials protect each other, no matter corrupt,

evil, fatuous or “naked” officials;

all powers are used to harm the people,

no matter big, small, public or private powers.

In such a case how much money are needed to violently

suppress the grudges and resistance of the Chinese people?

Therefore this strategy is wrong

at a very fundamental level.”

Ruan Hua, a writer from Hubei province, remarked,

CCP’s suppressive policy in stability maintenance is the strongest sign of retrogression in China.

Ruan said, the CCP officials “worry about their people more

than about the flooding rivers,” which is typical for a dictatorship regime.

Ruan Yunhua: ”They (CCP officials) just think

of protecting their own interests.

If they spend all the money for people’s livelihood,

will there be that many petitioners?

If they spend the money in setting up medical system

for the poor, won’t the Chinese be grateful to them?

Instead, they only worry about

how you might contend for their interests.

They are scared and that is why

they have to maintain stability.”

Zhao Shilin said, all Chinese expect stable lives.

If they can live with dignity and follow their own wills,

then the public morale will be stable,

which is fundamental for the overall social stability.

Zhao Shilin: ”Now the authority fails to do that and instead

spends a great deal of money on violent suppression.

I heard that the expenses of stability maintenance almost

reach 1000 billion, even higher than the defense budget.

This is like going south by driving to the north,

and will never work.”

Zhao added that maintaining stability by suppression

only shows that the society is not stable.

Without a key reform that can lead to a real social stability,

the only way to solve a problem is to suppress it violently.

This may result in an apparent stability, however it will

lead to more instability which will break out later.

A Deutsche Welle report cited words

from the Beijing democrat Hu Shigen.

Hu said, another reason for such a numerous bill on public

security is that the police system is asking for money in the name of “protecting national security.”

When Zhou Yongkang headed the Politics and Law system,

this “power for money” mode was exploited to an extreme.

They benefited themselves

in the name of “stability maintenance.”

They also exaggerated the demand for their work,

creating astonishingly high expenditure on public security.

Hu believes, CCP will continue with its “imaginary enemies”

to legitimize its “stability maintenance.”
