【禁聞】危機重重 中共再釋清黨信號















紐約城市大學政治學教授 夏明:「掌權的這批人恐怕就想對不活躍的這批人,就是對共產黨『穩定』不活躍,但是對共產黨批評、或者是『不穩定』造成一定影響的,共產黨可能想剝離。」


採訪/劉惠 編輯/李謙 後製/葛雷

CCP s “Purging the Party”: Response to a Serious Crisis

Under the CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) long-term

one-party dictatorship, China’s social conflicts are becoming increasingly deep.

Civilians show their anger toward the regime with uprisings,

breaking out one after another.

In recent years, over a hundred million Chinese further

joined the movement of quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

As a response to this unprecedented crisis of survival,

lately the CCP continuously releases suggestions of “purging the party.”

It claims that the number of CCP members will be controlled

in a more strict way and some of them will be “cleared out.”

CCP’s official media Xinhua Agency recently published

a report in Outlook Weekly about a politburo’s meeting.

It revealed that the politburo required to enhance member

management and dispose of unqualified members in time.

The Outlook Weekly’s report cited the words of Xin Ming,

professor at the Central Party School.

Xin said, the presence of many unqualified CCP members

had led to a decline in the party’s “battle effectiveness.”

Xin Ming claimed that the CCP is not a “political club”

and the membership applicants should be consistent with the party in ideology and class attitude.

The report mentioned that the Chinese Academy of Social

Sciences (CASS) carried out a research on the number and quality of party members in 2010.

It showed that the standard of joining the party had

dropped every time massive recruitment took place.

Chen Zhigang, director of CASS’ research division for CCP’

structure and history, suggested CCP should tighten its rules as to get rid of “unqualified members” from the party.

Political commentator Wang Beiji told NTD that this CCP’s

“purging the party” initiative is its defense against the increasingly influential movement of “quit the CCP.”

On the other hand, this aims at removing internal members

who are disobedient or do not follow its hidden rules.

This can help maintain the so-called “purity” of the CCP.

Wang Beiji, political commentator: ”The former high official

of Chongqing Wang Lijun had an incisive remark on what is a qualified party member.

He said, “Follow orders, understand the overall situation,

and obey the political rules.”

If you are fair-minded, hold sympathy for civilians,

feel penitent and begin to realize

how corrupt, decadent and inhumane the CCP is,

then you are no longer ‘qualified’ or a ‘pure’ member.”

Wang Beiji remarked that communism cannot be regarded

as a normal theory since it does not win any spontaneous trust and respect from the people.

In addition, it does not have the characteristics

of being peaceful and coming into heritage naturally.

Wang Beiji: ”Communism is simply a superficial slogan.

It in fact implements all-pervasive control over society,

with its strict political organization, military power,

police group, and other authorities of dictatorship.”

Wang remarked, Xi Jinping sending his daughter to study

in western countries instead of the Central Party School shows that he does not believe in communism.

The CCP’s so-called “belief” rather refers to the special

dictatorship regime of benefiting from exploiting and suppressing ordinary people.

Wang Beiji: ”None of the CCP members believes

in what they advocate.

From the previous leader Mao Zedong to the current one

Xi Jinping, none really believes in the communist theory.

This is definitely true as everyone can see it.”

On Jan. 17, Yi Junqing, director of the Central Compilation

& Translation Bureau (CCTB) was removed from post.

He committed adulteries with females in his bureau,

and blackmailed them.

CCTB is called “the world’s largest and highest-level

research agency of Marxism-Leninism.”

Yi was regarded as an academic authority by the CCP.

He had been quickly promoted to vice-ministerial level

as he was favored by former standing member of CCP’s politburo Li Chuangchun and the incumbent Liu Yunshan.

Wang Beiji: ”The CCP is such an extremely corrupt

and ridiculous group with ceaseless scandals.

It is an insult to human common sense

for it to publicly discuss belief, politics or any other topics.”

New York City University political science professor Xia Ming

remarked that there are two serious inside CCP’ challenges.

First, the officials with power are too corrupt. Second,

CCP members with little power criticize the party too much.

Xia Ming, professor, New York City University: ”The power

group probably attempts to handle the ‘inactive’ group.

The latter refers to party members who criticize the party,

instead of working for its ‘stability’.

The CCP may want to clear them out of the organization.”

Xia Ming also remarked that such a “purge” will impair

the CCP’s popularity among the people,

and will further widen the opposition

between the party and the Chinese people.
