【禁聞】與民隔離 山西人代會不准「告狀」















採訪/田淨 編輯/宋風 後製/鍾元

Shanxi People’s Congress Issued Rules To Separate From Public

Shanxi Province 1st section of 12th People’s Congress will

open soon.

The congress committee made “eight forbidden rules”.

One is that no petition letter is allowed to be handed in

to congress attendees.

Another is not allowing the public to approach representatives,

which triggered a great deal of questions.

Scholars said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) elites

are completely separated from the Chinese people.

It is very similar situation comparing with the former Russian

Communist Party before it collapsed. Let’s take a look.

The Congress will be held on Jan. 23rd, the meeting

rules are circulated online.

One of the rules said that not allowing fabrication and

spreading of political rumors;

No petition letters, flyers and posters are allowed

to be given to representatives.

Not allowed to insult representatives and creating scandals

to disturb and intervene in meeting.”

Gong Shengli, an independent scholar:

“Not allowed to appeal?

In one word, they are even worse than tyrants

Qin Shenhuan and Zhu Yuanzhang from China’s history.

Basically, the CCP elites are completely separated

from ordinary people.

The meeting is called the 『people’s congress’, but

without people, what can be achieved? My God!”

Netizen eGe said that petition letter and online exposing

are the current ways to raise problems.

After this method began, many corrupt officials such as

“uncle house, sister house” are exposed.

It strengthened anti-corruption movements.

One stands straight and never mind if shadows incline.

They use the rules to stop appeals. This ensured their meetings

are protected to avoid disturbance; its ridiculous.

Lacking people’s support, the representatives are like

rootless trees and waterless boats.

A netizen described that their behaviors

like someone who tortures himself.

Some netizens said that the congress is isolated from people,

how can officials be elected?

It isn’t surprising that “short-life mayor” exists and a

“representative has four wives and 10 sons”. It is easy to understand now.

Shanxin Peoples’ Congress spokesperson claimed the eight

rules aim to maintain meeting order.

This ensures it is secure, so representatives can concentrate

on the meeting.

If the representatives want to report problems, they can send

it to a corresponding team and discipline supervision team.

Wang Weizhou, Shanxi petitioner: “They estimated that

many people would appeal during the congress.

They are afraid of it, so they make up some rules, and

make some preparation.

Now conflict between the public and government intensified,

with many instable factors existing.”

Wang said that no one will take his appeal from the

Shanxi Provincial Committee.

He has been to Beijing to appeal seven or eight times,

but there is no actual answer.

Sun Wenguang, retired Professor, Shanxi University:

“People’s Congress in China is just a formality.

It doesn’t represent the People. The representatives are

appointed by the CCP, not elected by citizens.”

Sun said the regional people’s congress is manipulated

by the regional party committee.

They classified all opinions that are opposite the CCP

as “political rumors”.

It only allows you to praise the CCP but not speak against it.

It doesn’t allow you to tell the truth.

Civilians can only be their obedience tools and not allowed

to have their own thoughts.

Gong Shengli also said that now People’s congress and political

Consultative conference is entirely separated from Chinese people.

It doesn’t represent people’s interests,

nor reflect the people’s will.

It doesn’t fulfill their responsibilities.

They lost the meaning of existence.

Gong believes that now situation in China is similar to

the former Russian Party before it collapsed.

No civilian in China would like to support the CCP.

Gong said the CCP didn’t consider people’s interests.

They also didn’t consider party members’ interests so

how can the CCP survive?
