【禁聞】傳中共大部制改革 民眾:更糟













採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/君卓

People Not Optimistic on CCP’s Ministry-Level Reform

Rumor spread even before the 18th Congress that the CCP

(Chinese Communist Party) will cut the 27 ministries to 18.

Recently Jinghua News and other media reported,

that after the closing of the 18th Congress,

the CCP authorities have started to collect opinions

from all walks of life on reform of government institutions.

Is the goal of this action to reduce administrative costs,

or reduce opponents forces?

Will this so-called “cage reform"

bring real change to China?

What kind of resistance will it encounter?

Let’s listen to the voices of the people.

According to Jinghua News’ report from November 29,

after its 18th Congress, CCP is working on a new proposal.

The CCP authorities started collecting opinions from all

walks of live on Government Institutional Reform Proposal.

In this proposal, the 27 ministries will be reduced to 18,

17 direct subordinate agencies will be reduced to 6,

government’s People’s Bank will be changed

to become an independent business,

Ministry of National Security will be demoted

to Department of National Security,

and government news agency Xinhua

will implement an enterprise-wide reform.

Cai Guihua, U.S.’ residing Chinese pro-democracy activists,

pointed out that CCP’s so-called “streamlining” in the past always resulted in an even larger government.

Cai Guihua: “It tries to establish a false look of kindness.

There are tricks each time it shrinks or expands.

When it suppresses its opponents on the inside, it shrinks.

When it needs more resources, it expands.

We have seen many times

this type of acting by the CCP.”

Cai Guihuan thinks Hu Jintao has set the tone of a reform

during the 18th CCP’ Congress.

There he said, “Do not take the old-fashioned path,

nor the evil path that changes our flag.”

Cai Guihua suggests CCP’s so-called reform

is to strengthen its power.

Cai Guihua: “Reform or not reform is not what he considers.

What is the most important to him is stability of power.

In order to safeguard stability, the CCP will change

even if this is worse for the people.

The reform is not in favor of the people or the country,

it is beneficial to safeguard the bureaucracy system.

So such reform can only lead to a more reactionary,

and dreadful regime.”

Beijing observer Hua Po thinks the “Ministry-Level” reform

does not carry much significance.

He said that after the state-level system is adjusted,

local governments will be made to follow it.

The reduced ministry resources will be taken

by other organizations of the government.

Hua Po: “The reduction will bring other issues. Power

monopoly gives leaders more space to implement power.

The resources will not be reduced,

but rather increased.

Local government staff who consumes tax payers’ money

will also increase, instead of decreasing.”

Hua Po thinks CCP’s various interests groups,

are closely entangled.

No one can touch them at ease. He said,

the high-way toll reform before was a good example.

Hua Po: “As soon as the cheese case is touched, it will fall.

Like the high-way toll’ issue – the toll collection is still on.

Second-level road tolls changed their names,

but have not stopped.

There is a large group of people depending on the road tolls.

The larger the group is, the more fines and toll it needs;

the more fines and tolls there are,

the larger the group grows. This is a vicious cycle.”

Cai Guihua also states the CCP still carries on its suppression,

does not allow freedom of speech, free media, establishment of independent political organizations and parties.

CCP’s loud reform is only to deceive people.

If it is sincere about reform, CCP should lift the ban on

political parties and media, and allow democratic elections, concludes Cai Guihua.
