

【新唐人2012年11月29日訊】 (美国之音電)

今天我們要學的詞是 high point。High point 意思是高潮,頂峰。The game was a nail biter. It’s definitely the high point of the season. 這場比賽扣人心弦,絕對是本賽季最棒的一場。Lighting of the Christmas tree pushed the night to its high point. 點亮聖誕樹把整個晚上推向高潮。The Thanksgiving weekend is the high point of American consumption. 感恩節週末是美國消費的高潮。Winning the NBA championship was the high point of his basketball career. 贏得NBA冠軍頭銜是他籃球生涯的頂峰。好的,今天我們學習的詞是 high point, high point, high point….
