【禁聞】大學生村官獲釋 渝勞教委不認錯












編輯/秦雪 後製/肖顏

University Student “Village Official” Released from Labor Camp

Ren Jianyu, Chongqing university student “village official”

was released earlier from the labor camp.

On Nov. 19th, Chongqing labor camp revoked the original

decision using the excuse “mishandling the case”.

That same day, Ren regained his freedom. On Nov. 20th he

went to court with his lawyer.

The court rejected his “suing the labor camp”

claiming that the “appeal period has expired”.

The 25-year-old man, Ren Jianyu, was the university

student ‘village official’ of Chongqing Bongshui County.

Because of his excellent performance in 2011, he passed

the selection of civil servants for 『village official』.

However, on 8th August the first day that his civil servant’s

identification was released, he was taken away by police.

Chongqing Labor Camp Commission details: Ren published

and forwarded more than 100 so-called 『bad words』 on the web.

On Sept. 23rd 2011, he was reeducated for two years in the

labor camp.

At that time, Chongqing was at the height of the Chongqing


Domestic public opinion and the lawyers generally

considered Ren’s case is a typical “sentence for speech”.

Pengshui County police gathered much so-called evidence of

“inciting subversion of state power’ evidence that Ren spread.

The evidence included the following words:

“Chongqing has taken up the second Culture Revolution,

sing party songs, great leap, exaggerating,

cult of personality, contempt for the law.

What can I use to save you, suffering citizens!

The government is exaggerating about the million income.

They wasted a lot of money in singing the party songs.

The ordinary people did not get the real benefits at all.”

『Guang Ming』 commented on the 22nd that Ren’s description

about Chongqing under Bo Xilai’s rule is accurate and exact.

No matter from which angle, Ren’s speech cannot reach

“inciting subversion of state power”.

However, it is Bo’s actions and Culture Revolution-style

Dictatorship, which have harmed citizens, society and state.

On the next day after Ren was released, many ‘fellows’

came to the court with him. They were in the same labor camp.

Some of them have 『washed their grievances』.

Some are still trying to recover their former good name.

Fang Hong is one of them, he was reeducated for using

“a piece of shit’ and had this overturned on successful appeal.

Another one is called Peng Hong, reeducated for forwarding

comics, then the following appeal succeed.

Xie Suming, reeducated for following comments

in internet forum, appeal succeed as well.

Guang Ming said that Chongqing Labor Camp Commission

should reveal how many people were put in the labor camp during Bo Xilai』s the movement of “creating the gods”.

In the Chongqing labor camps, how many people

are still behind bars?

Chongqing Labor Camp Commission has revoked how

many unfair cases, compensated how many people?”

When Bo is ruling Chongqing, Public Security Director Wang

Lijun was willing to fulfill and follow any commands.

But Guang Ming brought up a question: Bo has been transferred

to judicial departments and left Chongqing for 8 months.

His way of governance was been explicitly rejected.

Why did the Chongqing Labor Camp Commission

not correct these wrong decisions?

Ren’s lawyer said Pu Zhiqiang’s “conversation transcript”

from Oct. 18th showed Third Intermediate People’s Court

of Chongqing told Ren that they hoped he can talk with the

Labor Camp Commission.

Ren won the lawsuit count. The judge said if they were

sentence (Labor Camp Commission) directly, they will lose face.

On 22nd, Ren, Wang Gongyi, former director of law-study

department Ministry of Justice, and Chi Sucheng, deputy of

the National People’s Congress, Heilongjiang Qiqihar City

Susheng Law Firm director, joined “Strong Nation Forum”.

They communicated with netizens on the internet, the title is

“From Ren Jianyu’s case see reform of the labor camp system”.

Wang Gongyi said the Labor Camp Commission is actually

operated by the Public Security Bureau.

They have no strict judicial proceedings, stressing efficiency

while ignoring justice.
