【禁聞】十八大前緩和信號 1500中國遊客訪日
















採訪/劉惠 編輯/尚燕 後製/君卓

Strained Relations Easing: 1,500 Chinese Tourists Visit Japan

On October 20, a large cruise ship with 1,500 Chinese

tourists reached Yatsushiro in Kumamoto, Japan.

This was China’s largest group of tourists to visit Japan

since the country “nationalized” the Diaoyu Islands.

Commentators view it as a sign of Sino-Japanese

relations thawing, as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s 18th Congress draws nearer.

Analysts also say that this shows the U.S.

is backing Xi Jinping to take the leadership.

The dispute over the Diaoyu Islands made Sino-Japanese

relations reach it’s lowest point in over 40 years.

Many Chinese travel agencies suspended

or canceled travel itineraries for Japan.

1,500 Chinese tourists traveled to Japan to view

the annual fireworks display hosted in Kumamoto.

This was deemed a sign of détente;

the easing of strained relations.

Hua Po, political observer in Beijing: “Both

countries currently face a leadership transition.

So, the Diaoyu Islands issue is unlikely

to destroy Sino-Japanese relations.

Initially, both sides took tough stances.

Next, they’ll take some measures to gradually

calm the situation, in order to save face.”

Hua Po adds that besides domestic factors, the international

community contributed to cooling the Diaoyu Islands issue.

Hua Po: “The U.S. played a key role on this.

It’s unwilling to see Sino-Japanese relations

get out of control because of the dispute over the Diaoyu Islands, and helped cool the conflict.”

A planned joint Japan-U.S. military drill will

take place between November 5 and 16 in Okinawa.

On October 20, the Okinawa Times reported

that both countries considered canceling the drill.

The CCP 18th Congress falls on the date

of the Japan-U.S. joint security drill.

News of a cancellation would relieve

Xi Jinping, the incoming CCP leader.

The news would also be viewed as a positive

U.S. stance on Xi Jinping taking power.

In September, the Epoch Times reported that

the U.S. had reached a verbal agreement with Xi Jinping to support his succession.

The report revealed that the U.S. government

has long disliked “the Zhou Yongkang forces”.

The U.S. has seen the relevance of the Diaoyu Islands

dispute to the power transition of the CCP.

Thus, it would not support Japan on the issue.

The Epoch Times predicted that this

U.S. attitude would soon quell the clash.

In fact, when Xi Jinping visited the U.S., after Wang Lijun

had fled to the U.S. consulate, the U.S. showed its stance.

Through the media, U.S. officials revealed information

about confidential evidence provided by Wang Lijun.

This included a military coup plot involving Bo Xilai and

Zhou Yongkang, to block Xi Jinping’s smooth succession.

The U.S. move was considered

“a great gift" given to Xi Jinping.

On October 11, Luo Zhaohui, Asian Affairs Director

of the CCP Foreign Ministry, was invited to visit Japan.

Both sides agreed to hold ministerial level talks to break

the impasse caused by the Diaoyu Islands dispute.

Nine days later, a tour group of 1,500 Chinese arrived

in Japan’s Kumamoto, and received a warm welcome.

The issue was viewed as a non-official step

to seek the easing of the strained relationship.

Critic Wang Beiji: “On this issue, Japan presented rationale,

and showed a stance as being an emerging democracy.

It distinguished the CCP ruling

echelon from the Chinese people.

It didn’t treat the anti-Japanese sentiment stirred up

by the CCP rulers as a general public mood in China.”

Wang Beiji forecasts that the Diaoyu Islands

dispute will be settled through rational negotiation.

Wang Beiji: “CCP internal factions intended to use the

Diaoyu Islands dispute as a chance to expand and complicate some other historical issues, but still failed.

As the disintegration of the CCP moves forward,

China’s democracy is just around the corner.

Considering the views that China and Japan will hold

on historical and territorial issues, which include the

Diaoyu Islands, I believe, they will reflect the will

of the people and respect the reality of history more.”

Reportedly, on October 20, the group of Chinese tourists

also visited local famous sights in Kumamoto.

The tour group returned to Shanghai the next day.
