


R-" That’s the problem in the last four years you’ve cut permits and licenses on federal land and federal waters in half"

R: 那就是過去四年的問題。你砍掉了一半聯邦土地和水域上的開發許可和執照。

O-“Not true Governor Romney"

O: 不是事實羅姆尼州長

R-“So how much did you cut them by"


O-“Governor we have actually produced more oil…"

O: 州長事實上我們產出了更多的油

R-“No, no how much did you cut licenses and permits on federal land and federal water…"

R: 別跑題(NO), 你到底砍掉了多少聯邦土地和水域的開發許可和執照

O-“Governor Romney here is what we did, there were a bunch of oil companies…"

O: 羅姆尼州長 我們所做的, 一大把石油公司

R- “No, I had a question and the question was how much did you cut them by.

R : 我的問題是你砍了多少?

O- “I’m happy to answer the question"

O : 我非常高興回答這個問題

It seemed like whenever one candidate laid down a fact the other one said he was lying presenting a confusing debacle for any viewer who didn’t have the information discussed in front of them.


R- “And production on government land is down."


O- “No it isn’t."


R- “Production on government land of oil on is down 14%


O- “Governor…"

O: 州長

R- “Production of gas is down 9 %


O-“That’s not true"

O: 這不是事實

R- “It is absolutely true."

R: 絕對是事實!
