【禁聞】習近平上位後 中國將走向何方?



















採訪/唐睿 編輯/王子琦 後製/王明宇

Xi Jinping in power, Where is China Going?

People from all walks of life at home and abroad are focusing

on the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 18th National Congress,

which is likely to debut in the next few weeks.

A lot of people imagine that Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao’s reform

policy will soon be history after the 18th National Congress.

Having been through infighting and coming out on top in the end,

in which direction will the new CCP leadership take China?

Let』s take a look.

Now the CCP is facing internal and external situations

that are much more severe than in the past.

Whether it’s economic, domestic or foreign affairs all areas

have issued alerts.

New allegations reveal that the CCP’s seven member Standing

Committee candidates already have contingency plans,

but analysts believe that a power transfer at the 18th National

Congress is not optimistic.

Because it involves the intrigue of third core of Jiang Zemin,

Hu Jintao, Xi Jinping, plus Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun』s cases,

everything is made much more complex than usual.

Independent commentator Zhang Jian: “It seems that the

interests of all parties have been balanced,

but once an incident becomes a breaking point,

it will form a re-alignment of forces."

Wu Fan, current affairs special commentator, also pointed out

that even with the start of the 18th National Congress,

many problems still cannot be resolved.

Because of the political structure of the problem,

they will not be solved by replacing a few leaders.

Current affairs commentator Wu Fan: “Currently, they are

facing major conflicts, in order to maintain power, they need to balance all aspects.

They’ve taken so much money from the people of China;

so many conflicts cannot be resolved.

[Conflicts] accumulate and accumulate until the end, they erupt.

If someone expects to solve these problems in

the 18th National Congress, they are dreaming"

On the other hand, the so-called economic “myths" have

gradually been busted,

the various conflicts in society are gradually being revealed,

and even on a full-scale.

More than 8% economic growth rate, announced by the

official GDP data, which also has been difficult to achieve.

And all of these will be paid for by “Xi and Li』s new system".

Then, can Xi Jinping solve the problem of the sluggish economy?

What is the answer to China’s economic plight?

Xie Tian, Professor at University of South Carolina, thinks that

it depends on Xi Jinping』s political initiatives when he grasps power.

Professor Xie Tian: “As we all know, China’s economy

is caught in a very difficult situation.

The problem of overproduction has emerged in

many industries in China.

But the Communist Party continues to produce fake GDP.

So the money of stimulating the economy,

and now extreme waste and duplication of investment,

the root causes are the Communist Party’s

one-party dictatorship."

Xie Tian pointed out that Xi Jinping must understand clearly

that the root of the economic standstill, import and export growth slowing,

inflation, and the increases in public grievances, is the CCP.

Xie Tian: “If Xi Jinping can realize that he should heed the

public』s will to dismiss the Communist Party, perhaps China’s economic situation will be changed.

If he still maintains the rule of the Communist Party, the causes

of the economic hardship can not be discharged, and the Chinese economy can only go down."

In addition, regarding worldwide attention to the Bo Xilai event,

“World News" editorial pointed out that if Xi Jinping takes over

to deal with the political problem, any possibility of Bo’s being re-enabled will be truncated.

Because of Bo reversing the verdict, it is tantamount to

negation of Xi Jinping.

However, the inner senior bucket of the CCP triggered by the

“Wang and Bo case", the core problem is the issue of Falun Gong,

has Xi Jinping enough courage to face it?

Zhang Jian believes that as long as someone understands

how evil the CCP is,

then he will not have illusions that the devil

will apologize to the persecuted people!

Zhang Jian: “Don』t have any illusions for the generation of

Hun Jintao and the elected leaders after the 18th national congress.

It is impossible. This illusion is unrealistic.

After 1949 the Chinese Communists killed tens of millions of

people, these innocent people will get justice.

How it can be only a few generations later,

and it renews China’s thousands of years of civilization?

Will it subvert all the crimes they have committed? “

Of course, everything does not have a final conclusion.

However, the current Chinese Communist Party in power

perceived crisis in the so-called Golden Age,

who are perhaps more than 100 years ago,

the Qing government, more directly and urgently.
