【禁聞】中國艦隊大調動18大前打仗 ?












伍凡:「現在好像中共的軍事行動在做準備,北海艦隊這麼調到南海艦隊,這個人員調動,加強南海艦隊的人員,並且在10號吧, 。」

王登平18歲參軍,入伍42年,歷任戰士、軍政治部幹事、總政宣傳部局長,周克玉上將秘書、海軍裝備部政委等職,直至海軍北海艦隊政委。 2002年王登平還作為艦隊副指揮,率領「 青島」和「太倉」兩艦500名官兵參加中國海軍首次環球航行。 2002年,王登平環球航行歸來,立即被晉升為海軍少將,2011年晉升為海軍中將軍銜。


採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/蕭宇

Military Transactions for War?

Recent high-level personnel mobilization among the

North Sea and South Sea Fleets of the People’s Liberation Army, has attracted close attention from outside.

Wang Dengping, former political commissar of the North Sea

Fleet, was assigned to the same position in the South Sea Fleet;

Bai Wenqi, political commissar of the North Sea Fleet Air Force,

became political commissar of the North Sea Fleet as well.

With the South China Sea mess unsolved,

the Varyag aircraft carrier is about to go in service,

outside analysis of the high-level transaction in military terms,

could mean that Hu Jintao is ready to fight a battle before the 18th National Congress Conference.

This could be with a view to countering any threat from

surrounding countries, and to thoroughly clean out Jiang’s faction.

Wang Dengping had been interviewed in high profile during

the two sessions this year,

his so-called “never let the homeland lose in our hands",

Has become a motto of the Communist Party hawks faction.

Recently, Wang Dengping was transferred as

political commissar of the South Sea Fleet.

His above speeches were reported again by the media.

In addition, Bai Wenqi, former North Sea Fleet Air Force

Political Commissar is concurrently political commissar of the North Sea Fleet.

He is also the first officer with an aviation background

in the history of the North Sea Fleet.

Liu Yinquan, a former history professor in Shandong Province,

believes during Jiang Zemin’s ruling, he implemented a

traitorous policy, and lost a lot of land.

Now Hu Jintao formally grasps the military.

Liu thinks this high-level transaction within military,

may be preparation for a fight.

Liu Yinquan: “Wang Dengping became political commissar of

the South Sea Fleet, which shows China will take tough measures in the South Sea.

Bai Wenqi was originally in aviation, now he serves as

commander of the North Sea Fleet, indicating the CCP will be equipped with aircraft carriers.

Aircraft carriers are mainly used to carry aircraft at sea.

The CCP may try to strengthen the sea fleet power.

If so, I think (Hu) might want to have a fight."

Liu Yinquan also said that a battle before the 18th National

Congress Conference is an opportunity to shock peripheral countries.

Liu said the United States is now busy with the general election,

if (the CCP) had a fight with a small country like Vietnam which

has no alliance with the United States, the US would not participate, and it would be easy to win.

Liu Yinquan: “What are the benefits of winning?

It can threaten others. After a battle with Vietnam…

in negotiations with the Philippines and Japan,

the other party will behave and give the Spratly Islands in the South Sea to China.

If it (CCP) waits until the United States and Vietnam become

an alliance, it will be too late, This will not be good for China."

Liu Yinquan said, a war before the 18th National Congress

Conference will be very good for Hu Jintao to seek

forgiveness over his reputation and clean out Jiang ‘s faction.

Liu Yinquan: “In this battle, (Hu) could promote generals

with contributions.

For example, Wang Dengping recently transferred to

the South Sea Fleet.

After the generals Hu trusts made contributions,

they could enter the Central Military Commission

and consolidate the position of these generals born civilians,

he could then replace the corrupt generals of Jiang Zemin.

After army corruption is removed, it could affect local areas,

and it will be easy to solve the corruption of local officials."

Wu Fan, chief editor of Chinese Affairs magazine said

recent challenges from ASEAN meeting countries on the

South Sea, have become a great threat to the CCP.

To what extent the army will be deployed,

whether to fight or not, we will wait and see.

Wu Fan: “It seems the CCP’s military is preparing.

Transaction from the North Sea Fleet to the South Sea Fleet,

strengthening the staff of the South Sea Fleet.

On July 10, it will hold a sham naval battle in the East Sea.

The outside has given the CCP lots of pressure.”

Wang Dengping joined the army when 18. He has served

in the army for 42 years as a soldier,

the officer of the Army Political Department,

General of Political Propaganda Department,

the Secretary of General Zhou Keyu, political commissar of

the Armament Department of the Navy, and political commissar of the North Sea Fleet.

In 2002, Wang Dengping as deputy commander,

led two ships- Qingdao and Taicang,

and 500 officers and soldiers to participate in the first voyage

around the world of the Chinese Navy.

After returning, Wang Dengping was immediately promoted

to Rear Admiral. In 2011 he was promoted to Vice Admiral.

By convention, the political commissar of the North Sea Fleet

also serves as vice political commissar of Jinan Military Region, having the rank of vice admiral.

There will be a conferment ceremony annually on August 1.

It is expected that Bai Wenqi will be conferred the rank of Vice Admiral.
