



據《大紀元》新聞網報導,巴中民眾對當地交警和警察的暴力執法早就心生不滿。當地居民許先生表示,當時,大家聽說是學生被交警打了,很憤怒,民怨很大。 這位先生還表示,警方直接用警棍打學生,地上留有血跡。由於警方抓了很多學生,現場憤怒的市民遊行、喊口號,準備到政府、區公安局討說法,最後警方把一座主要大橋封閉。 針對這一事件,四川當局9號通報稱,巴州區、後河橋、交警崗亭、協勤人員岳坤,「執勤不規範」,予以辭退。網友「板凳_微博」說:可笑的是,事件發生在巴中城區東邊,巴中交警卻在城西邊距離進城8公里遠的地方實行交通管制,約2個小時不讓車輛進城,這樣的管制為哪般?


對中國警察枉法事件表示抗議的不只是中國大陸民眾。6月10號,香港民眾自發組織的「為李旺陽申冤」大遊行,譴責被質疑殺害李旺陽的中共警方,據大會估計有2萬5千人參加,這與剛開始申請的3000人有天壤之別。據網友心聲表示,這次遊行是香港開埠160年以來,第一次萬民哀悼一位個人。 這次遊行,有民眾打出「中共,你們準備好逃亡沒有?」的旗幟,更有人焚燒中共黨旗,表達了對解體中共的強烈民意。

同時,《維權網》報導,自從「六四硬漢」李旺陽「被自殺」後,作為李旺陽的老鄉,朱承志先生一直用各種形式發佈李旺陽事件的進展情況。自從6月9號朱承志與湖南當地其他一些關注此事的民主人士、異議人士、和維權人士一起被帶走失蹤以後,10號下午,朱承志的妻子得到警方出具的拘留通知書,通知書以朱承志擾亂社會治安的罪名拘留10天,拘留期滿日為6月18號。 另外,報導說:尹正安、李旺琳、王麗紅繼續被軟禁,周志榮繼續被失蹤,至今家人還沒有周志榮的消息。 維權人士王荔蕻在推特留言表示,朱承志先生六十多歲的人了,為了關注李旺陽,拍攝李旺陽「自殺」現場視頻,為了不寫保證書,被拘留!請大家持續關注朱承志老先生!否則他們對朱先生的迫害還會升級的!


Thousands of Residents Protest in Bazhong Against

Police Violence

Thousands of people in Bazhong, Sichuan province blocked

the road on the day of the annual college entrance exams.

One student rode a mini motorbike to go home after the exams.

A traffic police officer stopped him and fined him.

But the student didn’ have any money to pay and was beaten.

It aroused the public’s anger and they protested,

blocking the traffic.

Sources said there were more than 20,000 people gathered and

the authority sent special police to suppress the protest.

Protesters left the area after 2am next morning.

According to the Epoch Times website’s report, citizens in

Bazhong had long been annoyed by local police violence.

Local resident Mr. Xu said when they heard police beat the

student, they were very angry.

Mr Xu added that police beat the student with electric batons,

leaving bloodstains on the ground.

Many students were arrested, which created the public protest;

they shouted slogans.

They also planned to go to the local council and police station

to seek justice. Finally, police closed a major bridge.

On June 9th, Sichuan authorities claimed that traffic officer

Yue Kun of Houheqiao, Bazhou District, was sacked due to his “non-standard actions”.

A Netizen called “bench microblog” said that the incident

took place at East side of Bazhong District.

However, the traffic police appeared 8 km away at the West

side, preventing vehicles entering the city for nearly two hours.

What is the explanation for it?

Li Wangyang’s Death Generates Thousands of Chinese

Citizens to go Against Chinese Communist Party

On June 10th, a self-organized march was held in Hong Kong

to mourn for the death of Chinese labor activist Li Wangyang.

It is estimated that at least 25,000 people participated in a

protest that was originally for 3000 people.

Netizens said that this was the first time since 160 years,

thousands of citizens mourned a person in Hong Kong.

During the march, protesters raised banners with “Chinese

Communist Party (CCP), Ready to Escape?”

Many protesters burnt CCP flags to express the public opinion

of disintegration of the CCP.

China Human Rights Defenders Chinese website reported that

after Li Wangyang’s “suicide”, activist Zhu Chengzhi,

kept publishing Li Wangyang’s updated news.

On June 9th, Zhu and activists concerned

about Li’s case were detained.

On the afternoon of June 10th, Zhu’s wife received

a detention notice from police.

The notice claimed to detain Zhu for 10 days on the charge of

“disrupting social security.” Detention to expire on June 18th.

Sources said that other activists, Yi Zheng’an, Li Wanglin

and Wang Lihong were still under house arrest.

Zhou Zhirong was still “missing”, his family still didn’

know his whereabouts.

Activist Wang Lihong Tweeted that Zhu Chengzhi was over

60, he cared about Li Wangyang; he filmed Wang’s “suicide”.

He was detained for refusing to sign a statement for police.

Wang Lihong called for concern for Zhu Chengzhi, or his

persecution would be intensified without citizens’ support.
