

【新唐人2012年5月4日訊】薄熙來曾在今年兩會期間重慶記者會上說:「打黑絕不是公安一家,是公(安)、檢(察)、法(院)、司(法)、(國家)安全,再加上紀委,是多家共同努力的結果,是由政法委協調的,並不是王立軍一個人的事情。」 而前中央政治體制改革研究室主任,曾擔任趙紫陽政治秘書的鮑彤指出,薄熙來這番話,指明了中國存在著「政法委協調」這種所謂「有中國特色」的司法制度。鮑彤說,這是一條大線索,不可以輕輕放過。












採訪編輯/李韻 後製/蕭宇


Bao Tong says Bo Provided a Major Clue: Coordinated by the PLAC

During the press conference in this year’s Lianghui,

Bo Xilai said, “fighting the black was not only done by the police, but the police, prosecutors, courts, judicial system,

state security and Discipline Inspection Commission,

it was the combined effort of many parties, it was coordinated by the Political and Legislative Affairs

Committee (PLAC), not by Wang Lijun alone.”

Bao Tong, former director of Central Political Reform Research Office and former secretary of Zhao Ziyang, expressed,

Bo Xilai’s speech pointed out that China has this special characteristic of “Coordinated by the PLAC.” Bao Tong believes that this is a big clue that can’t be ignored.

Regarding Bo Xilai’s words, Bao Tong said, “『fighting the black』 is a criminal case, including Investigation, evidence collection, verification, arrest, interrogation, prosecution

defense, the verdict, all these are judicial actions, how is the PLAC able to 『coordinate』 all this?”

Bao Tong expressed, the several million cases of injustices that Hu Yaobang re-addressed were all caused by Mao Zedong. Mao led the mass movements

himself, controlling all the agencies, whether it was Yan’an Rectification, Suppress Counterrevolutionaries, Sufan, Anti-rightist, Mao was personally leading, gave orders to

charge countless people with non-existent charges that couldn’t be reversed.

Bao Tong expressed, after Mao died, the situation changed. However, this PLAC that “coordinates criminal cases,” is it a repeat of Mao’s evil doing?

Former Shangdong University Professor Sun Wenguang expressed, the number of injustices that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) caused is unprecedented,

only during the Nazi rule of Hitler was the opposing party jailed. Sun believes this is going backward in history; we need to expose the truth and bring the one responsible to justice.

Former Shangdong University professor Sun Wenguang said, “All this shows the darkness of the judicial system, the injustices, existing all over the country, if you investigate the source of all of the chaos around the country, all the violations of the law and human rights abuse, all these things are under leadership of the PLAC.”

Bao Tong believes, that countless cases like Chen Guangcheng, Gao Zhisheng, Zheng Enchong, Wu Ying, were all caused by the PLAC.

Bao Tong said, now the CCP high level is demanding reflection, the PLAC and its secretary Zhou Yongkang need to end its leadership work and reflect on whether

“coordinated case investigation” is legal or illegal.

Mainland lawyer Li Tiantian expressed, if the PLAC goes down, then the CCP loses its “guard dog.”

Li Tiantian, “They said Chen Guangcheng escaped, so the PLAC should disband and Zhou Yongkang should be removed from office, I think that’s pretty hard for the CCP.

If the PLAC is disbanded, then the CCP loses its guard dog, how will it protect itself? How will those in the CCP be protected? how will the CCP maintain its rule?”

The founder of the website Human Rights Campaign in China Hu Jun expressed, if the CCP does not punish Zhou Yongkang and disband the PLAC, then the CCP will be eaten by it.

Hu Jun, “A factor for social instability like Zhou Yongkang, prosecutes the forward moving people in China, using so much funding to maintain stability, how was this money

spent? Why hire Chinese people to monitor other Chinese people? to persecute other Chinese people? They need to realize that, as the PLAC grows, it will eventually swallow the CCP. ”

Bao Tong hopes that the CCP will follow the public will, carefully investigate injustices. He believes that knowing that there are a large number of cases of injustice, but ignoring the situation, these are not the actions of a dumb person, but of acriminal.
