






美國全國性報紙《USA Today》發表社論指出,林書豪重新定義了人們對才能的評價,給全球各地的人們做了最佳的榜樣。在球隊艱難的時候,他一貫專注、具備決心,而在大家把他捧上天時,他卻還是一樣的謙虛,維持對信仰的虔誠。











Jeremy Lin’s Miracle: Creation of Faith

The miracle of Jeremy Lin sparked a global attention

and reflection.

Many believe Lin’s inspiration is a personal charisma,

created by faith. “I’m playing to glorify God”, Lin says.

However, all Lin’s faith talks were removed in articles

of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official media.

The CCP regime intentionally covers up

faith’s impact on an individual.

Jeremy Lin’s humbleness and devoutness helped his

rapid rise to global stardom from a bench warmer – a true miracle for him personally.

Linsanity’s fever has spread from NBA to the world.

Jeremy Lin became the cover figure

on Times and Sports Illustrated.

Professional basketball players

are under crass commercial pressures.

In the past year, Jeremy Lin suffered a trough in his career,

and was consecutively waived by two teams.

However, Lin said his faith supported his silent holding-up.

Kai Chen, former member of China’ national basketball team,

says that winning or losing is common for an athlete.

The faith can help an athlete look at the honor and shame

in a right way, Chen thinks.

Kai Chen: “His faith enables him to maintain

a state of self reflection, I think.

One should reflect on himself in the good times.

So he won’t be knocked down by the hard times.

It’s not always up. There’re ups and downs in life.

It’s important to learn from it.

From his ups and downs, a person of faith can learn

the meaning of his life and what he really wants."

USA Today’s editorial said that Jeremy Lin

redefined talent evaluation.

He is an inspiration to talented people everywhere,

the article said.

“Focused and determined enough to make it in a tough

racket, yet humble and devout in the face of his newfound stardom.”

Canadian basketball coach, Ju Bin, agrees

that positive education creates active talents.

Training children in a sarcastic manner, as what mainland

China’ coaches do, can’t inspire kids’ sport passion, Ju says.

Ju Bin: “These are two different types of athleticism

under totally different institutional systems.

He is an American living in the U.S. What’s more,

he is a person of faith, which is a very important factor.

Because the faith can stop him giving up in difficult times."

On Feb. 15, CCP’s mouthpiece Xinhua News Agency,

issued an article about Jeremy Lin.

However, the Xinhua’s article completely deleted Lin’s

faith talks during a television interview in 2011.

The official article was afterwards reproduced

by many media in mainland China.

Under the CCP system, Jeremy Lin would not even have

a chance to become an athlete, coach Ju Bin comments.

Ju Bin: “Jeremy Lin wouldn’t have possibility

to be drafted in China.

His height, his parents’ height, such factors are definitely

used as references in China.

By measuring the bone age to predict a child’s adult height,

if it’s deemed no prospect, they won’t accept him at all.

But in the U.S., any child who wants to play

cannot be rejected.”

Ju Bin reviews that the CCP politicizes the sport,

which distorts the essence of sports. It leads to the vanishing of people’s accountability.

Ju Bin: “An athlete in China counts for nothing.

Everything is out of his hands.

In the U.S., as an athlete, I can be responsible for my actions.

But in China, you can’t. This is a key point."

Jeremy Lin’s charm is also seen in his ability to mobilize

the team’s potential, besides modesty, Ju Bin says.

Jeremy Lin was reported having excellent scoring ability,

and great performance in assists.

In a win over Dallas Mavericks, last season’s championship,

Lin tallied a career-high 14 assists.

NTD reporters Liu Hui and Li Ruolin
