【禁聞】中共發展核導彈 “地下長城”曝光

















China Hiding 3,000 Underground Nuclear Warheads

Professor Phillip Karber, 65, of Georgetown University along

with his students has conducted a three-year study on China’s Second Artillery Corps.

They pointed out in the unpublished informal report that the

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has dug up to 3,000 miles of underground tunnels, which house nuclear warheads.

The number of nuclear warheads that China has far exceeds

what they tell the world.

The U.S. Department of Defense and this private

teacher-student think tank are very concerned.

Experts believe that China’s military expansion is not only

about competing with Western democracies on a military basis,

the CCP also wants to compete with the

West on an economic basis, too.

On November 29, the Washington Post reported that Kappa

and his students translated and studied many writings,

including Chinese military secret documents, satellite images,

and online resources. They then wrote their conclusions.

Kappa believes that China’s Second Artillery Corps has

excavated up to 4,828 km (3,000 miles) of underground tunnels, equal to the distance from Boston to San Francisco.

It’s there that they hide 3,000 nuclear warheads, far more than

the 80-400 that they tell the world they have.

Although this 363-page informal report has yet to be

officially announced, its message has reach reached the Pentagon and U.S. think tanks.

The U.S. Congress is expected to invite Kappa

to a formal hearing.

In August 2011, the U.S. Department of Defense announced

China’s military assessment report, citing some of Kappa’s research.

Current affairs commentator, Wu Fan, believes that

what the CCP has done has caused friction between China and United States,

as well as neighboring countries and Western countries.

Wu Fan:“At whom are they are pointing 3,000 missiles at?

With whom are you getting ready to fight? Who will attack you?

If all these missiles are strictly for defense, and you won’t

fire the first shot, it does not mean that the CCP won’t expand outwards, or infringe on other people’s interests."

Wu Fan pointed out that regarding economic interests, 15% of

China’s oil imports come from Iran.

The CCP has also made investments in Iran, and provides them

with nuclear weapons technology.

The two countries continue to trade weapons and

technology for oil.

According to Chinese Customs data, in the first half of 2011,

China’s crude oil imports from Iran increased by 50% over last year, reaching 13.5 million tons.

Wu Fan:“It is good to expose this issue, and

let the world know where the CCP’s interests lie.”

On November 8, the United Nations first openly accused Iran

of developing nuclear weapons technology and described the evidence in detail,

adding that Iran continues to cover up

the development of atomic bombs.

Evidence shows that Iran has already exceeded its own energy

and medical research goals in atomic bomb research.

This has made international leaders very worried.

However, the CCP has opposed international sanctions

against Iran’s nuclear research and development.

Jia Shaye, Iran’s armed forces deputy chief of staff has warned

Israel that if it attacks Iran, it will be digging its own grave.

And Iran’s retaliation would not be limited to the Middle East.

China refuses to agree to levying sanctions against Iran,

which is not a decision based solely on the CCP’s own economic interests,

but also because the CCP wants to use Iran’s authoritarian

regime to compete politically with democratic Western countries.

Shi Mingkai, former chief of the China Branch in the

U.S. Department of Defense said,

there is no doubt the CCP has spent huge amounts of funds

digging these tunnels, so we need to pay attention to this and question it.

It has been reported that Kappa served in the U.S. Department

of Defense during the Cold War.

During the Wenchuan earthquake, he learned that numerous

radiation experts in China entered the disaster area and

noticed a large number of broken concrete pillars sticking out

of the top of a collapsed mountain.

He suspected that a local underground nuclear arsenal

could have been damaged in the earthquake.

It was at that time that Kappa became interested in

doing research into the excavation of underground tunnels by the Second Artillery Corps.

NTD TV reporters Chen Han, Tang Rui
