【禁聞】中共阻止互聯網服務 美國討說法






中國藝術研究院學者吳祚來:「如果國家保持這類防火牆老是屏蔽信息,一個是對我們中外這個經濟影響是不好的,因為你看看給很多公司帶來不便。 」



美國的網購服務公司eBay 首席執行官約翰-多納霍日前表示,雖然中國在2001年加入了世貿組織。但是它有很多方面沒有按照世貿組織的規範來做。


謝文:「早就該抗議,早就該爭取在國家層面,讓世界貿易組織成員來解決這個問題。中國網民在使用國外網站的時候,現在面臨著種種困難。它直接的﹙侵犯﹚中國網民的基本獲取信息的權利、使用服務的權利,也侵犯了中國網民的基本的利益。付了網費,結果互聯網不能正常使用。 」

不過,在美國關注中國網絡事務的李洪寬則認為,eBay在中國難以開展業務,是它沒有按照在中國做生意的潛規則辦事,就是說,eBay 沒有賄賂買通中共政府官員。



The CCP』s Internet Firewall

The national firewall set up by the Chinese Communist Party

(CCP) has prevented a lot of U.S. companies from providing services to Internet users in mainland China.

Recently, the U.S. ambassador to the World Trade Organization

(WTO), Michael Punke sent a letter to the Chinese WTO Ambassador,

asking the Chinese government to clearly explain how they

implement their Internet service regulations and other measures.

U.S. Ambassador to the WTO, Michael Punke, sent a letter

to the Chinese WTO Ambassador,

saying, “Some companies based outside of China have faced

challenges offering their services to Chinese customers

when their websites are blocked by China’s national firewall."

Many service providers have expressed their dissatisfaction

to U.S. officials, regarding this issue.

Punke assured China saying that the United States

was not challenging Beijing』s restrictions on free speech

on the Internet even though Washington believes that

on “economic and social development of the Internet globally

is best served by policies that encourage the free flow of information

and prioritize individual empowerment and responsibility."

Wu Zuolai, a Chinese Academy of Arts scholar said,

“If we shut the door on each other, it will bring about economic and cultural difficulties.”

Wu Zuolai: “If the firewall always shields countries

from information, it will adversely effect the economy and inconvenience many companies."

Xie Wen, a well-known IT commentator

and former general manager of Yahoo China said,

“In order to achieve the goal of a total Internet blockade,

the CCP has blocked sites that really should not be blocked.”

Xie Wen: “With the Internet becoming increasingly popular

in the world, the Internet plays an increasingly important role.

For economic, political, cultural, trade, and general exchanges

between our citizens, people rely on more and more on the Internet, creating an obvious trend towards globalization.

Rejecting or restricting this trend, I think will ultimately affect

the country’s development, thereby hampering its social, political,

and cultural development, or in other words,

the competitiveness of the economy. This is certain."

John Donahoe, CEO of the online shopping company, eBay,

commented that although China joined the WTO in 2001, it has not followed WTO norms in many regards..

Punke also said in his letter that in June 2010,

the Chinese regime』s white book on the Internet led to other problems.

In order to help U.S. companies better serve the Chinese market,

the CCP should clearly explain how it implements its Internet policies, regulations, and other measures.

Xie: “We should have protested earlier on

and fought at the national level.

We should have let WTO members solve this problem.

When netizens in China use foreign sites, they face difficulties.

The Internet blockade not only directly violates Chinese netizens』

basic right to access information and to use the Internet,

but it also violates the fundamental interests of

Chinese netizens.

They pay good money to use the Internet;

however, many Internet resources are blocked.”

Li Hongkan, who is concerned about Chinese Internet services,

believes that eBay failed in China because it did not follow

the unspoken rule of doing business in China, that is,

eBay had not learned the importance of bribing Chinese officials.

The BBC Chinese network reported, that Punke』s letter

did not threaten the CCP,

nor did it say that the United States |wanted to

start legal proceedings in the WTO on this Internet issue.

However, analysts believe that this shows

escalating trade tensions between the world’s two largest economies.

NTD reporters Qin Xue, Tang Rui and Xue Li
