麥可猝逝 醫師涉過失殺人開審


【新唐人2011年9月28日訊】(中央社洛杉磯27日綜合外電報導)美國流行樂天王邁克爾·桀克遜的醫師莫瑞涉嫌過失殺人案今天開審,在審判一開始播放的錄音中,顯然用藥過度的麥可以含糊不清的聲音與莫瑞(Conrad Murray)通話。

邁克爾(Michael Jackson)在2009年死前一個半月前的這通電話中,以十分含糊不清的聲音討論他對倫敦東山再起演唱會的期望。




檢察官華格倫(David Wagren)在開庭陳述中說,這通2009年5月10日的電話交談,顯示莫瑞「明顯的在觀察,可能在傾聽,但把它錄到他的iPhone裡」。




In another haunting moment on the first day of what is expected to be five-week trial, the court was also shown a picture of Jackson’s deadbody, draped in white on a hospital gurney. Murray is accused of administering an overdose of the powerful sedative propofol to Jackson on a nightly basis for over two months before his death on June 25, 2009. Jackson died in Los Angeles, where he was rehearsing for the “This is It" series of comeback concerts scheduled to take place in the O2 Arena in London later that year. Making his opening statement, prosecutor David Walgren said the phone conversation from May 10, 2009 showed Murray “evidently observing,maybe listening but recording on his iPhone." Inthe deeply slurred voice, Jackson adds in the recording: “When people leave this show, when people leave my show, I want them to say, ‘I’ve never seen nothing like this in my life. Go. Go.I’ve never seen nothing like this. “‘Go. It’s amazing. He’s the greatest entertainer in the world,'" he adds in the recording — made intelligible thanks to a transcript displayed inthe court. What this evidence showed was Murray’s knowledge of what “he is doing to Michael Jackson in May 2009, over a month and a half before Michael died as a result of this very treatment," said the prosecutor. Walgren said that days after Murray made the recording on his iPhone, he ordered an additional massive batch of propofol and the anti-anxiety drug midazolam despite Jackson’s condition. Some 15.5liters of propofol was ordered by Murray, the prosecutor said. The picture of Jackson’s dead body — in which he is lying on his back, with apiece of tape apparently across his face — is thought to be one of the first and clearest images of the star’s corpse since his death two years ago. Jackson’s death at the age of 50 rocked the music world, and triggered extensive investigations which turned up evidence about Murray’s alleged role in giving the star a drug overdose which led to his death. Murray’s lawyers claim Jackson swallowed eight two-milligram pills of lorazepam, another anti-anxiety medication, in the final hours before his death without his doctor’s knowledge,before administering a final dose of propofol while the medic was out of the room. mt/rl
