【禁聞】中共媒體大量入美 美議案要求對等



《美國之音》報導,9月13號,來自加州的資深國會眾議員戴納.羅拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher),聯合另外兩名國會議員,蘭迪?福布斯(Randy Forbes)和泰德.波(Ted Poe),共同提出了一項抗衡中國媒體在美國擁有優勢的法案。














Bill Counters CCP Media In US

Three U.S. congressmen introduced a bill to the Department

of State requesting the number of visas issued

to state media workers in the U.S. and China,

be on par. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said that

U.S government should pay attention to

the broadcasting battle carried out by Chinese Communist

Party』s (CCP) state-run media in the U.S.

He reminded the U.S. government that it should increase

its broadcasting into China, rather than decreasing it.

On Sept 13, Voice of America (VOA) reported that senior

congressman, Dana Rohrabacher, California republican,

Randy Forbes, and House Foreign Affairs Committee member,

Ted Poe, introduced a bill to counter the CCP』s state-run media advantage in the U.S.

The bill, Chinese Media Reciprocity Act of 2011,

would require the Department of State to issue the same number

of visas to Chinese state-media workers as China issues

to American journalists working for the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG).

During fiscal year 2010, approximately 650 Chinese citizens

entered the United States on I-Visas (international journalist visas),

compared to only two American BBG journalist』s who

were to be stationed in mainland China.

By contrast, Chinese police routinely harassed

two VOA journalists who worked in Beijing.

Rohrabacher pointed out that the Chinese regime is trying

their best to influence or manipulate U.S. citizen』s mindset in order to achieve their purpose.

The major method they use is to send so-called news

correspondents to America, however, those are in fact propaganda agents.

The author of The Coming Collapse of China,

American lawyer, Gordon Chang, believes that many Chinese overseas journalists are spies.

Former New York Times news assistant, Zhao Yan, believes

that this is an excellent bill but it should also include

an active U.S. TV cable network in China

as well as American newspapers and magazines.

Zhao Yan: “Phoenix TV and CCTV are available

on U.S. TV cable networks, including Chinese-language TV,

owned by New York-based Overseas Chinese Affair Office

of the State Council.

However, can we watch American CNN, Colombia TV,

and Fox TV, as well as ABC, NBC, and other media including

VOA and Free Asia, as well as the New York Times,

which I previously worked for?

Can they be openly aired or published in China?

No, can』t find them in China.”

VOA reported that the CCP regime invested $45 billion

two years ago to support Xinhua News Agency and

China Central TV (CCTV), enhancing their outreach.

In late May, the North American branch of the Xinhua News

Agency was launched in New York Times Square.

Since then, it has expanded to seven branches in the U.S.

Xinhua also added English programming and

a 24-hour rolling broadcast English program.

Rohrabacher is concerned that the CCP is trying to dominate news

in America, thus it could damage the judgement of

what is really happening in China and in the end,

this will serve the CCP in its quest to monitor the American public.

However, a few commentators expressed the view that

even though the CCP invested a great amount money and

manpower abroad to manipulate people with

Communist ideology, their efforts will be in vain.

Zhao Yan: “American education has true universal cultural values.

Can Xinhua News Agency really replace these values with

the Communist ideology? Is it possible

to use Communist socialistic concepts to educate Americans?”

6•4 Skynet volunteer worker Pu Fei: “It will never happen that

a country with open democracy will be affected by a country

which limits people』s thought.

I believe that compared to openness and freedom,

imprisonment and dictatorship are the losers.”

Recently, Obama』s government took steps to cancel

VOA broadcasts into China and lay off its staff.

Rohrabacher thinks Obama』s approach is unacceptable,

and that it is the Chinese people who are most important.

“They are our greatest allies against the Chinese dictatorship.”

NTD reporter Qin Xue and Wang Mingyu
