【禁聞】陸保障房賽高鐵 豆腐渣工程露相















Jerry-built Welfare Housing Projects

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ordered the

review of a project to construct 10 million welfare

housing units, by the end of October 2011.

The goal is to finish the construction in late 2011.

People criticized that such a high speed construction

would follow the tragedy of the high-speed trains.

There is still potential for accidents,

some of which exist on a national level.

The Chinese housing department said that

the national welfare housing project enjoyed

an operating rate of 72% by the end of July.

This is compared to that of 32% at the end of May.

It means, four million welfare houses were put into

construction within two months.

The media warned, “the disproportion with the project speed

and quality will finally render the project a heart-breaking one."

Voice of America said that Chinese media have quite often

disclosed quality problems with the welfare housing,

such as thinned steel, water leakage

and superficial examining.

For example, the Minxin House in Baotou of Inner Mongolia

was found to be with wall cement being as soft as soil.

It could be easily crumbed.

The Moon Bay House (Yueliangwan) in Beijing

was known for its six apartments being reconstructed

due to quality problems.

The Beijing Morning Post published an article on Aug. 21

titled “Frustration: The Jerry-built Project Return

in Shuangshang Village, Cangwu County in Shatou Town.

The article says tenants, who just moved in,

have discovered water leakages and wall cracks.

On the ground level, some rooms appeared to have sunken.

Mr. Wang (staff of Guangxi Engineering Machinery Co. Ltd):

Construction materials such as cement, concrete and steel

were required at a certain standard or measure.

They are then replaced with smaller, products of poorer quality,

for the purpose of gaining profit.

Both the contractors and the CCP officials seek profits

by any means possible.

Ms. Huang from the Finance department of the housing

project in Shangsi County of Guangxi said that

moving into a new house could be pleasant for people.

But the experience is far from a happy one,

since you are driven away by the issues of safety.

Ms. Huang: “It was a pleasant thing to

move into a new house.

However, people become upset,

when they find problems after settling in.

They think the government is unreliable."

Economist Cao』an Jushi said that Chinese people were

discontent with the authorities, due to the severe inflation.

He thinks that the CCP caved in to public pressure

by providing the welfare housing project.

Cao』an Jushi: Despite plenty of CCP authorized welfare

houses, they are generally built poorly.

Corruption is also rampant throughout the project procedure.

The CCP does not learn its lesson from the past,

nor put public safety and well being as top priorities.

He also said that it was more than a social problem,

it is in fact a political systemic problem.

Only through sound supervision and setting the public

wellbeing as top priority, can the communal facilities

be completed in high quality and standard.

20 random investigations were conducted

in the Guangxi welfare houses.

The supervising team found there are a number of

construction projects still using the illegal thinned steel.

Some projects just started operating

without any construction permits.

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Sun Ning.
