【禁聞】國際貨幣基金組織 促人民幣升值
















IMF Urges RMB to Appreciate

The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) annual report urges

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

to facilitate the appreciation of the RMB,

tackle China’s runaway inflation,

deal with its real estate bubble,

diminish its currency control,

improve people’s lives,

and reduce conflicts between its trading partners.

Some experts say that the appreciation of the RMB

will not change people’s living standards,

since the “inflation” people are suffering from

is the result of state-controlled monopolies.

The IMF’s annual report on China’s economy urges the CCP

to appreciate the RMB, tackle China’s rising inflation,

deal with its real estate bubble crisis,

implement financial reforms to boost domestic demand,

improve the lives of its people,

and reduce ongoing conflicts between its trading partners.

Cheng Xiaonong, a well-known economist, said that

the IMF made these suggestions,

because they do not know the real situation in China

or understand its economy.

Cheng Xiaonong: If China’s import prices drop

and the RMB appreciates,

the ones who benefit will be China’s monopoly enterprises,

not the people, as those monopolies control prices.

The IMF’s conclusion is wrong because

they mistake China’s ‘fake market economy’ for real.

The inflation people are suffering from

is not the result of imports, but of monopolies.”

Wu Fan, China issue analyst, believes that all the problems

that China’s economy is facing indicate that

the GDP-centered production mode has

reached an impasse.

Wu Fan: (The current production model) is GDP-centered

and is based on the idea of plundering

land, resources, and workers’ wages.

The state revenue,

another aspect of the economy,

is over RMB 1,000 billion per month,

which is three times of the GDP growth.

However, the proportion of the ordinary people

in the total GDP has decreased from 12 % to 8 %.”

The IMF also believes that the RMB is greatly undervalued.

A consulting group from the IMF estimates that according to

different calculations, the RMB is undervalued by 3% to 23%.

They believe that since the People’s Bank of China

mass prints RMB bills to buy USD,

the appreciation rate of the RMB cannot reach the level expected

under the current market forces.

Cheng said that

since China has too much currency reserve and “hot money,”

the pressure on the RMB’s appreciation is considerable.

The CCP allows for a slight appreciation,

which is far below international expectations,

so the RMB has a long way to go before

it reaches a normal exchange rate with the USD.

Cheng Xiaonong said: “China is facing a severe inflation.

Thus, if the RMB appreciates further,

the CCP will be facing even more pressure.

Therefore, it is not possible for the CCP to go along with

the international community’s wishes and advice.

However, facing international pressure,

the CCP has appreciated the RMB in token amounts.

Similar to the over appreciation of Japanese yen in the 1980s,

which greatly affected Japan’s economy,

the CCP is afraid that a similar situation would

happen in China if the Yuan appreciated.

Therefore, the CCP insists that currency reform is

a sovereign right issue.

Yao Jingyuan, ex-chief economist of State Statistics Bureau,

recently said that a large RMB appreciation will cut

export enterprises’ profit, thus lowering export volume.

He believes that a large RMB appreciation will hurt exports,

immediately resulting in widespread unemployment.

So how can the RMB exchange rate problem be solved?

Wu Fan believes that China should turn its export economy

into a domestic economy, which will increase people’s income

and make people rich rather than making the government rich.

Only by benefiting the people, can a society be stabilized.

Then there is no need of so much “stability maintenance fee”

or so many government agencies to suppress people.

Simply use the vast amounts of money that the CCP now holds

to produce goods in China, for the Chinese people,

which will in turn provide create a better future for the Chinese.

NTD reporters Liu Hui, Song Feng and Xue Li
