【禁聞】新疆衝突兩個版本 專家解析















New Xinjiang Conflict

The bloodshed in Hotan, Xinjiang in recent days

has caused concerns within China and abroad.

Chinese Communist Party authorities (CCP)

used their mouthpiece Global Times

to define the incident as “an organized,

planned violent terrorist attack.”

It also denied of opening fire at protesters.

But after the incident, a large number of

heavily armed police was sent to Hotan.

On July 18, police in Hotan City, Xinjiang

had bloody clashes with local residents.

Until late night on July 19, authorities still

had not announced the number of casualties.

Hou Hanmin, director of

Xinjiang Information Office said that

what Associated Press and other media said about

“the police opening fire on Uighur demonstrators"

was “completely nonsense."

He also said, “This is a planned and organized

terrorist attack, targeting at the police station."

Dolkun Secretary-General

of World Uyghur Congress,

said that the Uighurs went to petition

to the government of Hotan,

and asked why authorities made spot checks and arrests.

German-based Spokesman

of World Uyghur Congress,

Dilxat Raxit told NTD that

armed police killed 20 Uighurs,

injured 12, including four women

and an 11-year-old child.

Three of them were seriously injured.

By the night of July 19,

70 people have been arrested.

The repressions and street blocking continue.

Human Rights Campaign in China (HRCC)

leader Hu Jun said, whether it is in Xinjiang,

Tibet or Inner Mongolia,

,when clashes occur,

the communist authorities always

frame the ordinary people and kill them arbitrarily.

Hu Jun: Time and again, they use the same trick.

They label civilians as mobsters

and kill them arbitrarily.

When you seek justice,

they’ll say you are backed by some political forces.

Instigation, sedition, subversion …

many such labels will be thrown at you. “

Jun Hu stressed that the CCP regime

always instigates “ethnic conflicts",

as to redirect the focus away from the real problem.

Hu Jun: If it is said to be an issue

between the Uighurs and the Han ethnicity.

We can see what happened

in Zengcheng, Guangdong.

They said that it is an issue between

people of Guangdong and Sichuan.

They always use this method

to cover up their evildoings.

It is known that after the incident,

Hotan established reporting stations

on all streets and set up checkpoints,

so people can report suspicious persons to authorities.

Access to all parts of Hotan has been blocked,

and martial law has been implemented in the region.

Hu Jun: Suppressed anger is enormous.

The suffering of the Chinese people is also severe.

People are fed up with it

and can no longer stand it.

People know the brutality of the CCP regime,

which will not hesitate to massacre people.

No matter what is your situation,

it will be ruthless.

We have experienced its brutality many times.

Dilxat Raxit asked the CCP authorities

to immediately stop the repression.

He expects the international community

to start an independent inquiry.

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Tang Rui and Sun Ning
