【禁聞】黨報稱黨員先進遭轟 建黨宣傳挨批








前中國國家籃球隊隊員、民主人權活動人士 陳凱:「當然他們在入黨時候作為一個宣誓,說為共產主義奮鬥終生這些話,當然他們可能要說。但是有甚麼人會相信這個東西,肯定不會有甚麼人相信共產主義,他們主要的動機還是他們自己未來的金錢和地位的問題,所以這就是中國整個現在道德淪喪的基點。」


21號,中共中央黨校副校長陳寶生卻高調宣傳中共《黨章》的內容,說:「共產黨沒有自身的特殊利益,共產黨的職能就是為人民服務。」 遭到眾多網民的嘲諷。


近日,中央民族大學教授趙士林發表致中共中央的《公開信》,批評中共黨慶宣傳把黨「道德化、神聖化、色彩化、封建化」。他表示,不宜宣傳「老子打天下 老子做天下」的邏輯;不管黨內出現了多少貪官,總是「偉大 光榮 正確」不絕於耳。








Paper Criticized for Praising CCP

Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) mouthpiece

People’s Daily published on June 24 an article titled

“Party Membership Entails Advancement”,

which is called “vomit-worthy” by Chinese netizens.

The large amount of negative comments forced

the websites to remove the comments.

Also, an open letter to the CCP’s State Council

from Zhou Shilin, a professor at Minzu University,

was ordered to be deleted online by State Council.

The article says CCP memberships are glorious

as they signify advancement and progression.

It says that “advancement” is a unique symbol,

which sets CCP members apart from the others.

Netizens slammed the CCP mouthpiece.

Some said, “People’s Daily only lies.

All those corrupt officials are CCP members.

It is absurd to say that they are advanced.”

Some commented, “They say all sweetest things,

but commit the worse crimes!”

Some said, “Corruption should be their identification.”

CCP Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

announced on June 22 that in 2010,

approximately 146,000 members were disciplined.

CCP’s Organization Department said on June 24,

in 2010, 32,000 CCP members were expelled

from the party due to corruption.

As per the central bank, in the last decade,

16,000 to 18,000 CCP members fled China,

taking more than RMB 800 billion with them.

As per CCP’s internal data, the actual number

including family members, might be 1.2 million,

They took more than RMB 1 trillion with them.

Chen Kai, ex-member of national basketball team,

and a current human rights and democratic activist

said, “When the members join the CCP,

they have to vow to strive for communism for life.

However, nobody really believes in communism.

Their motive is to improve their own future,

gain more money and have higher positions.

This is why China is bankrupt on morality.”

As per the statistics compiled by Wu Changzhen,

the person in charge of revising the Marriage Law,

95% of the indicted corrupt officials had mistresses.

CCP Central Party School’s vice president

Chen Baosheng emphasized the Party Constitution

and said, “the CCP has no self interest;

it only seeks to serve the people.” He was mocked.

Meanwhile, to celebrate CCP’s 90th anniversary,

the CCP is spending lots of money to

set off various forms of “red” movements, such as

singing communist songs and playing red operas.

Zhao Shilin, a professor of Minzu University

wrote an open letter to CCP’s central committee.

He criticized that the CCP’s propaganda is trying

to “moralize, divinize, and feudalize” itself.

Zhao said to not follow the logic of

“I fought for and own this nation.”

Also, regardless of countless corrupt officials,

CCP always labels itself “great, glory, correct”.

Guangxi-based author Jing Chu:

The CCP’s privileged corruption has caused

much grievances and complaints.

The CCP still claims to be “glory, great, correct”.

This is just a joke.

The CCP brings disasters to the Chinese people.

Zhao Shilin’s open letter pointed out that

the CCP’s movement to sing “communist songs”

is similar to the Cultural Revolution.

The CCP’s overwhelming propaganda is resentful.

There are so many people living in poverty.

The CCP shouldn’t spend their money at will.

Jing Chu also said that people are

feeling antipathy towards the CCP leaders.

Jing Chu: The CCP leaders are extremely corrupt,

and undermining the country.

The media propagates a fabricated “greatness”.

It’s almost like celebrating a funeral.

The more they render it this way,

the less they care about the people’s livelihood.

Their vulgar praises are “fake, great, empty”.

They have caused great resentment.

I can’t help but look down upon the CCP leaders,

who are an ignorant and useless bunch.

Yi Rong, the president of the

Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP,

said that the CCP is sitting on a volcano.

The more people’s money used to celebrate CCP,

the more they push people to overthrow their rule.

She urges all Chinese to quit CCP.

There are over 97 million individuals that quit

the CCP and its affiliates on Epochtimes website.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Yuanhan and Xue Li
