











美國奧克拉荷馬大學教授李小兵:“可能都是小規模的做秀式的,show power, show 一下新型武器,打掉你的兩個戰機,或炸一條船等等。會出現這種情況,但是不會有大規模的衝突。”


不僅如此,菲律賓等國正在南中國海與美國海軍舉行協同演練。菲律賓總統阿基諾17號警告中國,不要以強凌弱,侵犯菲律賓主權。菲律賓海軍同時派遣"拉賈•胡馬邦"(Rajah Humabon)號旗艦進入南中國海有爭議的水域巡邏。

而中國海軍近幾天才在南中國海域舉行兩次海空實兵演練, 16號派出“海巡31”大型巡防船,穿越南中國海,前往新加坡訪問。


Mao Sold South China Sea

Due to recent South China Sea conflict, the US navy

sent a nuclear-powered submarine into the Pacific.

US and Vietnam published a join statement,

all South China Sea (SCS) issues should be resolved

through diplomatic channels and cooperation.

A historian revealed that a leader of CCP

(Chinese Communist Party) gave away the SCS

to other countries, and now it cannot be recovered.

Chinese military response is slow on the dispute,

currently preoccupied with domestic conflicts.

The 4th Political, Security and Defense Dialogue’

between US and Vietnam ended on June 18

in Washington D.C. They stated that it met

the interest of the international community

to protect the SCS security, stability and freedom

of navigation. All SCS disputes should be resolved

through diplomatic channels.

However, this statement cannot cover up

the dispute of the SCS sovereignty.

Historian Su Ming revealed the reason why

SCS islands are occupied by South East countries.

Su: “Chinese people believe that the SCS

and James Shoal belong to China. 20 years ago,

Vietnam asked China to comply with the agreement

on the SCS sovereignty made by their leaders.

However, Chinese people don’t know about

the agreement. Vietnamese know that Mao Zedong

gave a large sea area to Ho Chi Minh.”

Former Beijing University professor Su Ming

believes that CCP’s interest would cancel out

that of the country, as they aren’t ashamed of selling

large areas of land. “CCP sold an estimated

160 million sq km of land and 1 million sq km

of territorial waters. But Chinese people

don’t know how big our country is

or how much land our ancestors have left to us.”

Su said: “Six or seven South East countries claim

sovereignty, drill for oil and garrison in the SCS,

they also formed the Association of Southeast

Asian Nations against China,

because they have written agreements with the CCP.”

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily commented that

Chinese military is slow to respond to the dispute.

Navy admiral Yin Zho claimed prior to resolutions

of the Taiwan issue that national unity is the main

concern of maritime security. Implying that to resist

foreign aggression, a country first must have peace

within. If China sends out half of its military against

Taiwan to deal with the Philippines and Vietnam,

the SCS dispute would have been long resolved.

Scholar Li Kaisheng said in a blog that the SCS

dispute puts China in a dilemma, it can’t fight

or postpone when Vietnam is drilling for oil;

if China fights Vietnam, CCP will be further isolated

by its neighboring countries.

Oklahoma University professor Li Xiaobing

believes that it is unlikely that China will have

large-scale military conflict in the SCS.

Li: “China might host small-scale military drills

to show off its new weaponry, or destroy a few

countries’ fighter aircrafts, or blow up a boat.

But they won’t stir a large-scale military conflict."

Vietnam recently announced a national draft,

holding live-fire exercises, and claiming to develop

Spratly Islands into tourist area; while Philippines

removed China’s mark set in the SCS islands.

Philippines and other countries are joining

with the US Navy in maritime security exercises.

Philippines’ President Aquino warned China

not to intrude in its territory. Meanwhile,

Philippines’ Navy deployed its largest warship,

the “Rajah Humabon" to patrol the SCS.

Chinese navy held sea and air military exercises

twice in the SCS in recent days. On June 16,

“Coast Guard 31″, a large patrol boat,

was seen crossing the SCS to visit Singapore.

NTD reporter Song Feng and Xiao Yu
