【禁聞】金正日訪中 謀求擺脫政治經濟困境









據《韓聯社》的報導,5月19號在韓國國會議員會館舉行的「對朝糧食援助研討會」上,世界糧食計劃署駐朝鮮代表克勞迪婭.勒爾(Claudia von Roehl)表示,由於糧食產量和國際援助減少,600萬名朝鮮居民遭受缺糧之苦。

美國國務院的朝鮮人權特使羅伯特.金(Robert King)24號訪問朝鮮,評估那裏的食品短缺情況,同時提出朝鮮的人權問題。韓美兩國將根據評估結果決定是否重啟對朝糧食援助。








NK Seeks Help?

North Korean (NK) leader Kim Jong Il visited China,

during the summit of China, Japan and South Korea.

It is rare for Kim Jong Il to visit China three times

within a year. An outsider’ analysis pointed out

that this indicates NK’s seeking of help from China,

so NK would not face political and economic

difficulties at home and isolation internationally.

South Korean media reported that on May 20,

Kim Jong Il arrived in Yanbian Jilin by train,

via Mudanjiang and Changchun. He visited

the Changchun First Automobile on May 21.

It is learned that this company would invest in NK.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told Lee Myung-bak,

South Korean President on May 22 in Tokyo,

that the purpose of Kim’s visit is to understand

China’s development and thus gain a reference.

After a 29-hour train ride, Kim Jong Il arrived

at Yangzhou, Jiangsu. Kim visited a supermarket

and a solar technology company.

On May 24, he arrived at Nanking and visited

the Panda Electronics, Olympic Stadium

and the World Museum. In the afternoon,

he went to Beijing and talked with Chinese leaders.

North Korea lacks energy, food and essential raw

materials and also suffers under the United Nations’

sanction due to its nuclear program.

Voice of America pointed out on May 23,

that China was concerned with NK’s refugees rush

if NK would collapse due to economic catastrophe.

The South Korean presidential spokesman referred

to Kim’s visit as “an educational trip.”

Analysts in Japan said that Kim’s China visit

was an embarrassing request for assistance

from China to solve food shortage crisis in NK.

Wang Weizheng, a Professor of Political Science,

at the University of Richmond:

“N. Korea is probably facing economy hardships.

Although a few years ago it voiced out that it wants

to imitate China’s reform and opening up policies.

I think he wants to learn something from China."

According to Yonhap, in South Korea was held

a “Seminar on food aid to North Korea.”.

Claudia von Roehl from the World Food Program

said on behalf of North Korea that due to reduction

of food production and international assistance,

6 million Koreans will suffer from food shortages.

Robert King, U.S. State Department’s

NK human rights envoy, visited NK on May 24,

to assess the situation of food shortages there

and also to raise the issue with NKs’ human rights.

Based on the assessment, Korea and the U.S.

will decide if food aid programs can restart in NK.

Due to the Cheonan and Yin Ping Island incidents

last year Korea and the U.S. completely cut off aids

to North Korea. Under this situation, Chosun Ilbo

of South Korea reported that Kim’s brother-in-law

Jang visited Jilin Province in May and signed

a lease of the “Golden Plain” at the downstream

of Yalu River to China for 100 years.

Su Zhan (Economics’ Professor, University of Laval,

Canada): setting up special administrative regions

but it needed an institutional reform. NK is facing

two major political issues today, one is the tension

in East Asia, in particular a series of moves by NK,

the other is a question of its inheritance.”

Yonhap reported that in 2009 North Korea amended

the constitution and the word “communism”

was replaced by “military-first ideology."

Last September, Kim Jong Il extended

the hereditary dictatorship further and established

27-year-old Kim Zhengen (his third son) as his heir.

And Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun reported:

“After being confirmed as the heir, Kim Zhengen

frequently published his remarks about economy

such as ‘In the past, we could tolerate no food,

but not without bullets, now we can tolerate

no bullets but not without food’. He also said:

‘All civilians will have rice and meat

within three years’.”

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao stressed at the summit

on May 22, that through dialogues tensions between

North and South Korea could be eased,

but he too is opposing a nuclear North Korea.

The Korean nuclear issue was raised again

during the US-China summit early this year.

Then leaders from US, Japan and Korea agreed,

that denuclearization of the Korean peninsula

will greatly promote peace and stability

in Northeast Asia. An outsider pointed out

that North Korea’s nuclear program is actually

a scheme between China and North Korea

to blackmail the international community.

NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Xiao Yu
