








李大衛:《新紀元週刊》專題主編 :“馬克思驕奢的大學生活,使他對一切正教中的戒律感到束縛、渴望個性徹底解放,而歐洲秘密流傳的撒旦教適應了這種渴望。”

馬克思在大學時代寫了一個劇本叫《奧蘭尼姆》(Oulanem),他在劇本裡的自白清楚的表明瞭他的“魔變” 成了撒旦的代言人。


美國國會圖書館館長詹姆斯•畢靈頓(James H.Billington)研究發現,共產黨源自於德國的秘密黑幫組織——光照幫(Bavarian Order of theIlluminati),而馬克思則被光照幫選中,整理髮表了《共產黨宣言》。






Get Marxism Out of Schools

East China University of Political Science Professor

Zhang Xuezhong recently sent a letter

to call on the Minister of Education Yuan Guiren

to cancel the “Politics" subject in the College

and the Graduate entrance examination,

and to remove the “Marxist Philosophy" courses

from the general Required Curriculum.

Though this open letter was quickly deleted online,

it provoked rather big reaction among netizens.

On May 13, Prof. Zhang Xuezhong posted the letter,

which was about ten thousand words long.

He points out that inculcating Marxism-Leninism

by force not only violates citizens’ freedom of speech

and freedom of belief , but also “extremely distorted

the Chinese character, generation after generation,

killed their conscience, belittled their dignity".

Thus the whole nation will become ignorant,

and will lose the courage to pursue truth.

Zhang Xuezhong believes that Dept. of Education

is distorting students’ personality, destroying

their conscience by forcing them to participate

in Marxism-Leninism political study and exams.

Thus the authorities have committed

the most serious crime against their country.

He also pointed out that this forced political exam

“violated Article 35 of the Chinese Constitution".

With this compelling and harming people’s mind

and freedom of speech with deprivation

of educational opportunities, the authorities

certainly don’t want to nurture people’s rationality,

“but to satisfy own ambition and lust for power".

His letter was initially published on the Sina blog

but it has been quickly deleted. However,

a large number of enthusiastic netizens

forwarded the letter, agreeing: “We do need faith,

but not from a partisan indoctrination.

We need to see it with our own eyes,

judge it and select it with our hearts."

Earlier, the published by aboluwang.com article

“Karl Marx’s road of becoming Satan",triggered

a strong response by people from all walks of life.

Referencing Marx’s original text, the article reveals

how Marx degenerated from a Christian

to a devoted Satanist.

David Lee (special editor, New Era Weekly):

“Marx’s extravagant college life made him

crave liberation of individual’s desires

from all Orthodox restrictions. The spread

of Satanism in Europe adapted this wish."

Marx wrote in college a play called “Oulanem",

in which he confessed that his “magic change"

has become the voice of Satan.

David Lee: “He said: ‘The hellish vapors rise

and fill the brain, till I go mad and my heart

is utterly changed. See this sword?

Prince of darkness sold it to me,

for me he beats the time and gives the signs,

ever more boldly I play the dance of death.’

This poem shows more clearly Marx’ admittance

that he signed a contract with Satan."

Librarian in Congress Library, James H. Billington’s

study found that Communist Party (CP) originates

from a secret gang organization in Germany,

called “Bavarian Order of the Illuminati",

and Marx was selected to organize and publish

their program, the “Communist Manifesto".

David Lee: “In fact, Marx hated all gods,

and could not hear God. His socialism

was only to lure the proletariat and the intellectuals,

in order to realize the trap of Satan."

Billington found that the Communist Party’s saying

“absolute to the organization, never betray the Party"

were the regulations followed

by the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati,

which logo was wolf in a sheep’s skin.

Heng He (political commentator): “This discloses

an unpopular truth that Marx himself was not atheist.

Like the senior officials of CCP (Chinese CP),

they too are not real atheists, including Mao,

in fact they believe in the existence of God,

but chose the devil’s side and fight against God."

Zhang Xuezhong, a JD from Yugan county, Jiangxi,

is currently a Professor of Civil Law,

Master Instructor and Deputy Director

in East China University of Political Science.

He is also a columnist

at Singapore’s “United Morning News,"

and writes regular sharp commentary articles.

NTD reporters Li Qian and Li Ruolin
