【禁聞】小販被毆自衛殺城管判死 民眾喊冤





夏俊峰的姊姊向《希望之聲電臺》表示: 「在一個路口的時候,他當時在馬路上就被毆打了,群毆,他本人也有傷。周圍也有老百姓看著,公安分局都不給取證,咱們當地老百姓他們受到警察騷擾,不敢出來作證,我們也去查訪的時候,都躲起來了。」



山東中都劍律師事務所崔趨強律師在網上提出:「夏俊峰決不能殺!」,他認為,《刑法》打擊的不是像被告人夏俊峰那樣,因為養家餬口而被迫殺人的公民, 死刑也絕不是用來恐嚇和鎮壓人民群眾的。一個中國公民為了養家餬口,居然不得不殺人,這不能不是一種悲哀。



署名“雷浩然”的作者也發表了“襲警案頻發 中共「敵人」遍天下”的評論文章。他認為,像城管和警察這一類本應執法保護人民的人,卻為了維護官員的利益而對民眾殘酷欺壓,促使大陸近年來爆發了很多像楊佳、鄧玉嬌這樣的抗暴事件。他指出,現在的中共可以說是“敵人”遍天下了。



Killing to Survive

Shenyang street vendor Xia Junfeng, sentenced

to death for killing 2 city security officers,

is receiving a wave of sympathy from online forums.

Netizens expressed their opinion

about violence faced by the disadvantaged groups

in China, and the legal system’s ineffectiveness.

On May 10, Liaoning Provincial High People’s Court

sentenced Xia Junfeng to death. Xia’s case attracted

much sympathetic attention in forms of donations,

legal appeals and online posts.

An online fundraising event for Xia’s family

raised RMB180,000 in 2 days.

Xia Junfeng and his wife were selling kebabs

in May 2009, when they were confronted

by city security officers. During the conflict,

Xia stabbed 2 officers to death,

and was therefore sentenced to death.

However, Xia’s defense attorney insists

that Xia was acting in self-defense

as he was severely beaten by the security officers.

Xia’s sister said to Sound of Hope Radio:

“He was beaten when he was at the street corner.

He was beaten and injured by a group of officers.

There were many eyewitnesses,

but the authorities didn’t even collect evidence.

Some local residents were harassed by the police,

and did not dare to testify.

They all went hiding when we visited them.”

The Southern Metropolis Daily published an editorial

questioning the legitimacy of the court procedures

in Xia Junfeng’s case. The editorial urges

the supreme court to pass “a verdict

that will withstand the test of time,

calm the estranged, broken,

and somewhat conflictive sentiments in society.”

Author Chen Shuqing: “The disadvantaged groups

all feel the injustice and oppression in society,

the threat they pose to their survival,

and the harm they bring to their dignity.”

Lawyer Cui Quqiang said online:

“Xia Junfeng absolutely cannot be killed!”

Cui believes that the Criminal Law

should not be used against a citizen

who was forced to kill to survive;

and death sentences should not be used

to terrify and oppress the public.

It is a real tragedy that a Chinese citizen

had no other choice but to kill to survive.”

Guizhou activist Liao Shuangyuan said to NTDTV:

“The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

violates human rights, and its own constitution.

It is all a lie. It’s just a show for the world.

The laws are not enforced,

so the people have nowhere to turn.

All of this is triggering intense grievances.”

Financial Times columnist Lao Yu wrote:

“Their ravage of a place or industry is destructive.

Wherever they go, justice disappears.

They abuse power and rule at will,

crushing those who stand on their way,

terrifying the good and encouraging the evil.”

Author Lei Haoran believes forces, meant to protect

the people, like city security officers and police,

turn against the people for the ruling class,

which results in recent anti-oppression cases

such as those of Yang Jia and Deng Yujiao.

The CCP is making enemies everywhere now.

Chen Shuqing says that social injustice is causing

public resistance, which will eventually result in

major social transformation.

NTD reporters Zhang Lina, Zhao Xizhi and Xiao Yan
