【禁聞】中共“秋後算賬” 上千人遭傳訊












新唐人記者常春、李若琳採訪報導 。


1000+ Dissidents Interrogated Lately

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) increases

it』s oppression of dissidents. On April 15,

dissident Qin Yongmin was interrogated for 6 hours

by the Wuha police, while his home was searched.

Dissident Zhang Li from Anhui was also interrogated.

Tiananmen Square Massacre witness Zhang Jiang

believes the calls for truth and civil rights

in China have greatly shaken the control of CCP.

On April 15, dissident Qin Yongmin was interrogated

and verbally abused by a police officer Wang Hui

for 6 hours, while his home was illegally searched.

Important documents and a bankbook were taken.

Qin』s visitor, appellant Fang Bangyu from Zaoyang,

was also arrested when he left Qin』s home.

Qin: “The problem is they just abducted another

appellant in front of my house. It』s too sensitive,

it』s tightly connected to what happened 2 days ago.

I cannot reveal the details yet."

Zhang Lin, together with several others,

was also interrogated on April 16.

Zhang says he is in a very dangerous situation.

According to Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD),

at least 54 dissidents were “arrested" recently,

16 of whom are still missing.

CHRD reported that 10 people were detained for

“crimes of picking quarrels and provoking troubles."

Four were granted bail, one was sentenced

to 2 years of “labor reeducation,",

while the other 5 are still in detainment.

Tiananmen Massacre witness Zhang Jian:

“Since February, 1000+ dissidents were interrogated,

and nearly 200 were arrested. Among them, over 10

have not been released. Such behavior shows

the lack of political reform in China. Social

stability relies on police, lies and violence."

Zhang points out that stability is the top priority

for the CCP, so it suppresses anything that it sees

as a threat to social stability. CCP』s biggest fear

is the fighting spirit of the people;

people who courageously stand up for their rights.

Zhang Jian: “From the Tiananmen Massacre

to Falun Gong standing up for their rights,

all these human rights movements have shown that

more and more Chinese people are becoming aware,

and are standing up for their own rights.

It is obvious the CCP cannot maintain stability

by relying on violence and controlling the media."

Zhang believes that the CCP is going against

the historical trend of freedom and democracy.

The Chinese people』s endeavor cannot be stopped.

NTD reporters Chang Chun and Li Ruolin.
