【看新聞學英語】 中國科技公司自殺事件尚未解決



Suicides in China Tech Firms Unsettling


By Wan-Chun Chang, David Lee


1. unsettle: v. 尚未解決

2. insatiable a. 永不滿足的

3. bluntly adv.直率的

4. mistreatment n.虐待

5. cultivate vt.培育

6. recreational a.娛樂的

This is the Foxconn industrial base in Guangdong province China…


Half factory, half city – it is the manufacturing base for millions of high tech goods – and home to 300 hundred thousand workers who live on one of the biggest production sites in the world.


But the electronics firm has been rocked this year by the suicides of twelve employees jumping to their deaths from buildings with two further falls causing workers serious injuries.


All were aged under 25 and had been with the firm for less than a year.


Now the spot light is falling on the working conditions here as the world’s insatiable demand for high tech electronic goods at low price clashes with the methods used by companies like this to produce them.


Workers have criticised the company’s management following the most recent suicide.


[Unidentified Foxconn Worker]:

“Foxconn’s management is totally inhumane. The personal quality of lower management are very low."



[Unidentified Foxconn Worker]:

“To put it a bit more bluntly, it feels like mistreatment. They don’t regard the workers as humans. That’s how they cultivate new employees in this company."



Following the most recent death, Foxconn has organized recreational activities, opened a counselling center and set up a hotline for workers to call with their problems.


Analysts have warned that clients may reconsider their contracts with the company if it doesn’t address their workers’ issues.




Divide the cake in six, please.



Old soldiers never die.

