

Thai Elephant Gets Artificial Leg


Christine Hong, David Lee


1. finishing touch: n. 最後一筆

2. prosthetic: n. 義肢

3. limb: n. 肢

4. landmine: n. 地雷

Thai doctors add the finishing touches to a new front left prosthetic elephant leg on Sunday, 10 years after she lost her limb by stepping onto a landmine.



5. logging camp: n. 伐木營

6. measurements: n. 測量

7. ensure: v. 確保

8. artificial limb: v. 人工義肢

It has been 10 years since Motala lost her leg while working at a logging camp on the Thai-Burmese border. She is now able to walk on all-fours again, thanks to the Prosthesis Foundation¡¦s efforts to create a limb just for her.


Hundreds of elephants employed in the logging industry along the Thai-Burmese border risk injury from landmines… laid out by Burmese troops fighting ethnic rebels.


Doctors at the Friends of the Asian Elephant’s Hospital in Lampang Province have cared for Motala since she was injured in 1999. They spent an entire day creating the pattern and making measurements to ensure the limb would fit perfectly.


It took the elephant around ten minutes to take her first step, and when that was done, it took an hour to complete a 100 foot track.


[Therdchai Jivacate, Prostheses Foundation Doctor]:

“Motala is an adult elephant. The joint between her leg and artificial limb might get bigger or reduce when she gains or loses weight, so we might need to adjust the prosthesis again."

義肢基金會醫生Therdchai Jivacate說:「穆塔拉是一隻成年母象。在她的腿與人工義肢之間的接合點,會隨著她的體重增減而變大或減小,因此我們可能需再次調整她的義肢。」

Doctors say it might take time for Motala to get used to the prosthesis, but they are encouraged by how she did not reject it



