【禁闻】路透社: 中共在香港监控泛民人士

【新唐人2014年12月16日讯】 铜锣湾清场 香港占中落幕















Causeway Bay Cleaned Up; Hong Kong
Occupy Central Ended

The last occupied area of the Hong Kong Occupy Central
movement, Causeway Bay was cleared by police on Dec 15.
The 17 remaining peaceful occupiers were arrested and the
Occupy Central movement officially ended after 79 days.

Police arrested 955 people during the movement and 75
people surrendered.

On Dec.15, Commissioner of the Force Andy Tsang claimed
the investigation will be completed in three months.
He swore to arrest all the dominant figures of the Occupy
Central movement.

The Secretary-General of Hong Kong Federation of Students
(HKFS) Zhou Yongkang and Scholarism convener Huang
Zhifeng responded that they had already prepared to take
responsibility and the civil disobedience is just starting.
One sponsor of the Occupy Central movement Chan Kin
Man said he is ready to be arrested since he surrendered.

Reuters: Chinese Communist Party Spies on Pan-Democrats
in Hong Kong

On Dec. 14, British Reuters reported that Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) spies who were watching democrats in Hong
Kong along with two pursuers were arrested by Hong Kong

In August for almost a week, two silver Mercedes Benz
cars kept appearing behind Hong Kong Legislative
Council Member James’s grey Volvo sedan.

The police arrested two men shortly after James reported it
but released them quickly without public announcement.
The police refused to disclose their identity.

Reuters quoted sources that the two men are CCP spies.

Two sources reportedly said, Hong Kong police accidentally
destroyed the CCP spy action on Hong Kong pan-democrats.

The Chinese Association for Relations Across the Taiwan
Straits President Received Protest in Taipei

Taiwan people protested with placards when the Association
for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) president
Chen Deming went to participate in the cross-strait
Entrepreneur Summit on Dec. 15.

According to a BBC Chinese website report, the protesters
The citizen groups of anti- Cross-Strait Service Trade
Taiwan social movement organizations Economic
Democracy Union (EDU), the original Democratic Front
against Cross-Strait trade in Services Agreements;

Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU); Island nation young, and

Victims of Taiwan businessmen representatives in
mainland China investment.

The local police sent many police to maintain order.

Some protesters attempted to break through the police wall.
They jammed and two people were taken away by police.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
