【禁闻】驻冰岛大使消失 中共拒回应

【新唐人2014年09月18日讯】驻冰岛大使消失 中共拒回应






伊力哈木案开审 外交官旁听受阻








Ambassador to Iceland Disappeared. No Explanation
Of His Wherabouts.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ambassador to Iceland Ma
Jisheng and his wife have been missing for over six months.

On Sept. 17, Iceland diplomatic information disclosed that
Beijing refused to explain the whereabouts of Ma Jisheng.

According to the AFP report, Ma Jisheng has not returned
after leaving Iceland on Jan. 27.

There is no CCP ambassador in Iceland, although the
embassy continues to run.

Currently, the embassy refused to make any comment
to the media.

The reporter found the Icelandic ambassador section is blank
on the CCP foreign ministry website.

The CCP Foreign Ministry spokesman refused all questions
related to Ma Jisheng at the Sept. 17 press conference.

On Sept. 17, Hong Kong Ming Pao quoted the US Chinese
Media news that Ma Jisheng and his wife Zhong Yue were
arrested by the CCP security department on suspicion of
acting as Japanese spies.

Foreign Diplomats Blocked From Attending Ilham’s Case.

On Sept. 17, renowned mainland scholar Ilham’s case of
inciting ethnic hatred secession came up at Urumqi
Intermediate People’s Court. The case is expected to last
for two days. Ilham denied the allegations against him.

On the trial day, there was tight security outside the court.

Embassy officials from the US, UK, Germany and Canada,
who were trying to attend the trial were stopped near the court.

State Chief Information Office Orders Network Media To
Clean Up News Control Evidence.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) State Chief Information
Office (SCIO) recently issued a circular, sternly ordering
mainland Internet media to clean up all kinds of network
control instructions and work requirements.

They demanded reports of the results and investigations
by Sept. 16.

On Sept. 17, US Radio Free Asia reported that, SCIO sent
out the commands on September 11 according to sources.

The commands include; Clean up stored control instructions
and work requirements to prevent disclosure;

Various control instructions are only conveyed to the
website chief and then verbally communicated to staff;

Only formal workers can accept the direction and need to
sign a confidentiality agreement.

The report quoted an insider saying it’s so funny for the CCP
SCIO to do bad things and destroy evidence in the Internet era.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
