













“摩根士丹利”4月份曾发布研究报告称,俄罗斯经济已接近于进入衰退周期。8月26号,据《俄罗斯新闻社》报导,“俄罗斯经济发展部宏观经济分析局”局长奥列格•扎索夫(Oleg Zasov)说,经济已接近衰退。

采访/朱智善 编辑/凯欣 后制/李智远

Russian Official Reveals China and Russia’s Delicate Relations

On August 27, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said
that there is no need to worry about the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP)”s territorial claims against Russia.

Lavrov’s remarks caused reverberations in public opinion
after broadcasted via Russian state television.

Commentators say it reveals the delicate relationship
between China and Russia.

"No need to worry about the CCP"s territorial claims
against Russia."

This is what Lavrov said on Aug. 27 during an informal
meeting with participants of the “All-Russian Youth Forum"
held in Russia’s Tver region.

The BBC’s Chinese language website reported that Russia’s
state news channel broadcasted Lavrov’s speech.

Overseas media widely reported Lavrov’s remarks.

On the same day, BBC quoted an article by Roger Boyes of
british newspaper, The Times, saying that the CCP needs
Russia more than ever and that a series of factors show that
the two sides are re-adjusting their strategic positioning.

Why does the CCP take Putin seriously?
The article said Putin will seek re-election to stay up to 2018,
while Xi Jinping’s tenure goes to 2022, very close to 2034.

According to prediction of a Russian scholar of China affairs,
World War III between the U.S. and China will happen in 2034.

The scholar also analyzed that the CCP has to maintain
double-digit growth in military spending for 20 consecutive
years to keep up with U.S. and Japan in East Asia.

In addition, the CCP needs to get three things done:
First, to reduce dependence on Western markets;
Second, to ensure smooth channels of raw materials over land;
Third, to find good strong allies and reinforce relationships.

Commentator Wu Fan says the CCP faces enemies
to the East, West and South.
If confrontation happens between China, Japan, and the U.S.,
the CCP has no help.

Wu Fan: "Will the Russians help China to fight the U.S.?
No, they want China defeated in a battle with the U.S.
Then Russia wouldn’t have a strong threat in the south.
This is what they need, so they will not help.”

Wu says the CCP does not want
another enemy in the North.

So for the CCP, it is not the time to raise the issue of territory.

Wu Fan: "Are there any activities between China and Russia?

Yes, there are economic relations and trade relations,
as well as financial business.

But they will not form a coalition.

So in this situation, Lavrov said how can you ask for territory
from Russia while dealing with the U.S. and Japan?

Won’t that add more enemies?"

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited China in May.

China and Russia signed an Economic and Trade Agreement,
and also conducted joint military exercises.

The outside world regarded this as a sign of alliance.

However, Western countries indicated that there are conflicts
between China and Russia in terms of territory.

Lavrov’s remarks are considered to be a confirmation of this
to the outside world.

Lan Shu, commentator: “Russia’s Foreign Minister words
have confirmed Russia has an understanding with Beijing.

Beijing’s high-levels will not continue to make a fuss on this."

However, Boyes says in his article that with the CCP anxious,
Russia plays the role of an increasingly intimate partner.

But Putin is the opposite of the former soviet leader.
Boyes says Russia wants to win over the CCP and
build a close Russian-Chinese relationship,
and the West must convince Beijing not to follow Putin’s will.

Boyes emphasized that if Xi Jinping signed any treaty
with Putin, he will eventually find himself suffering for it.

Financial services corporation Morgan Stanley reported in
April 2014 that the Russian economy is close to a recession.

Interview/Zhu ZhiShan Edit/KaiXin Post-Production/Li ZhiYuan
