
【新唐人2014年08月19日讯】周日,由香港亲共阵营“建制派”动员的“反占中游行”,传出中共当局投资过亿的资金,拉拢民众参与。包括送礼发钱 、包吃包喝、包接送等。而游行队伍高举“反暴力”旗帜却不断制造暴力,同时,游行过后现场留下满地垃圾。大陆民众嘲讽,中共在香港表演的这出拙劣政治把戏,简直就是一场闹剧。










香港某商会领袖向香港《大纪元时报》记者表示,他收到梁振英副手亲自打电话,让他站出来“反占中” ,被他拒绝。而商会不少会员也被要求参加这次游行,且有钱收。



江西维权人士宋宁生:“中共一贯用这种流氓手段 ,从香港回归(政权移交)以后,它们一直在赤化香港,希望用大陆政策来对付它(香港),维护它们所谓的既得利益形态,(花)钱无所谓,反正取之于民嘛。”


采访编辑/李韵 后制/舒灿

CCP Spends Millions to Stage Anti-Occupy Central in Hong Kong

Sunday, Hong Kong pro-Beijing camp mobilized a movement
to oppose the “Occupy Central".

It is said the CCP had invested hundreds of millions of
dollars to recruit participants, with money, gifts, free meals
and transportation.

While the participants were holding banners that stated,
“anti-violence", violence was created along the demonstration
with trash everywhere.

Mainlanders ridicule the clumsy political performance of the
CCP as simply a farce.

On Aug. 17, the Anti-Occupy Central demonstration took
place in Hong Kong.

This demonstration was personally signed and promoted by
Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying and driven by the
pro-communist camp.

It is claimed more than 190,000 people
and 1,500 organizations took part.

Police estimated an attendance of about 110,000 people.

Professor Paul Yip of Social Sciences, University of Hong Kong,
said there were about 57,000 participants.

Hong Kong media reported the majority of participants
were organizations from China, such as Shenzhen, Guangxi,
and Guangdong.

They went to Hong Kong in groups by bus or subway,
but many of them knew nothing of the purpose of the trip,
and could not make sense of their presence.

Some groups were said to be given money and free lunch.

Tens of millions were spent to reserve local restaurants.

Seven restaurants were booked, in the vicinity of Victoria Park,
with more than 200 banquets at a cost of 1,600-3,000 yuan..

Four of these restaurants were entirely booked
for “private use" only.

Some media analyzed the CCP mobilized the entire
underground party and pro-Beijing forces with the motive
to divide, disintegrate and destroy Hong Kong.

Ming Pao reported the organizers had arranged participants
by paying them, providing free tours and free meals.

The Shenzhen Associations, for instance, would provide
participants and reporters with free lunch at the restaurant
and 300 Hong Kong dollars.

Reporters who took part in the demonstration with
ad hoc interviews also would receive one-day free
Cantonese food and travel.

Organizers arranged 6 tour buses carrying 360 participants
to tour and lunch in the Stanley, and then demonstrate in
Victoria Park.

During the demonstration, there were people delivering bread
and gifts to participants.

Hong Kong resident Mr. Lim points out that in order to
encourage participants to the anti-occupy central movement,
the CCP spent fortunes but gained very few supporters.

Mr Lim: “They were all forced to do it. How can a
demonstration be conducted in this way?

Look at the July 1 parade, would it happen like that?

The CCP spends more than 700 billion yuan in stability
maintenance annually.

The CCP spends as much as they want to. The Hong Kong
government would not spend money on the people,
but the CCP would spend it on these bad guys.

It is the CCP that creates social conflicts and division.

The CCP’s united front approach is to split
the community with money."

Apple Daily reported that participants shouted, “Save Peace"
and “anti-violence", but they threw flags and water bottles
at those who supported Occupy Central on the sides.

Oriental Daily reported that many groups from the pro-Beijing
camp distributed bottled water, bread, and saltine crackers
to the participants and encouraged them to walk till the end.

But many of them left half way.

A leader of Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce told the Epoch
Times that, he had personally received a phone call from
Leung Chun-ying’s assistant asking him to stand out in
the anti-Occupy Central, but was only rejected.

Members of the Chamber of Commerce were asked to join
the demonstration. It is said they were also paid.

He said that the CCP would pay about 600 Hong Kong dollars
to each participant.

It would cost 60 million Hong Kong dollars for 100,000 people.
Even a signature will be paid for.

Along with the cost at the restaurants and the promotion,
the CCP would have spent about 100 to
200 million Hong Kong dollars.

He believes that the anti-Occupy Central will only tear Hong
Kong society apart and create chaos in Hong Kong.

He does not wish to see Hong Kong as chaotic
as the mainland.

Jiangxi activist Song Ningsheng: “It is consistent rogue
behavior of the CCP.

Since the handover of Hong Kong, the CCP have been trying
global communism in Hong Kong.

The CCP’s policy has been used to manipulate Hong Kong
to maintain their vested interests.

Money is nothing to them. It came from the people anyway."

Song Ningsheng has participated in the July 1 parade in Hong
Kong many times.

He indicates that the anti-Occupy Central was set up
with money, but only gained a return of more disobedience,
mocking and disgust of the regime by the people.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/SuCan
