【禁闻】大陆富豪美国被扣 传是曾庆红之子

【新唐人2014年01月29日讯】大陆富豪美国被扣 传是曾庆红之子



《塞班论坛报》(Saipan Tribune)1月28号报导说,曾伟是上周四被逮捕的,当时他试图用假证件进入美国,美国国土安全部探员根据指纹认出了他。



浙江H7N9死亡病例暴增 民疑瞒报






律师:不留恶例 许志永将上诉






Zeng Qinghong’s Son Apparently Arrested in The U.S.

Zeng Wei, a Chinese mogul was arrested on January 27 when
entring Saipan by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Zeng was a wanted fugitive from Hong Kong, and the subject
of an arrest warrant from Hong Kong.

In 2010 Zeng Wei was accused by Hong Kong authorities
of bribery and conspiracy.

Saipan Tribune reported that Zeng was arrested last Thursday
when he used a different identity to try to enter Saipan, and
was identified by a biometrics match of his fingerprints.

Voice of America reported earlier that Zeng Wei, a frequent
media figure overseas was known by the media that he is the
son of former Chinese Communist Party Politburo Standing
Committee Zeng Qinghong.

He spent $32.4 million on a mansion in Australia.

Chinese Caixin.com reported that Zeng Wei formerly worked
for Hong Kong newspapers, and claimed there is “no kinship
with former Politburo Standing Committee”.

Communist Regime Alleged To Be Concealing Increased
Deaths From H7N9 in Zhejiang

Chinese media reported four more cases of
H7N9 in Zhejiang Province on January 28.

In 2014 so far there have been 53 confirmed H7N9 cases.

Deaths from H7N9 has increased from 1 on January 24 to
12 by January 28.

People suspect the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is
concealing the facts.

An Epoch Times investigation shows that major hospitals
are overcrowded in Zhejiang.

There are no more beds and hundreds of patients are on
the waiting list to be hospitalized in Ningbo.

Former Peking University Professor Xia Yeliang
Arrives in The U.S.

Economist Xia Yeliang was dismissed by Peking University.

On January 26, he arrived in New Jersey ready to
continue his academic career in the United States.

Currently, Xia Yeliang is considering Wesleyan University,
Harvard University and the think tank in Washington.

Xia Yeliang taught for 13 years in Peking University.

Last October he was dismissed by the University for his public
support of new citizens’ movement founder Xu Zhiyong, which
was admitted by a Party secretary.

Lawyer: Xu Zhiyong Will Appeal

Xu Zhiyong was recently sentenced to four years in prison
on charges of “gathering a crowd to disturb public order".

Reuters reported that Xu Zhiyong’s defense lawyer Zhang
Qingfang said Xu believes his conviction could set a bad
precedent for others on trial, therefore, he will appeal against
the sentence.

Xu’s lawyer, Zhang Qingfang, said Xu was concerned about
the six other activists on trial this week, one of whom will be
sentenced on Wednesday, reported Reuters.

Zhang told Reuters that he would file an appeal for Xu
within 10 days.

Zhang said although both he and Xu did not think they would
win a lighter sentence with the appeal, they planned to use the
opportunity to lay out their points of view about the case.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
