



维权律师高智晟从2004年12月开始,一年内连续三次上书中共领导人,揭露当局残酷迫害法轮功,要求停止这一灭绝人性的暴行。从2006年8月 起,高智晟就开始不断遭到当局绑架和酷刑折磨,最后被判刑入狱。2011年12月底,高智晟被关进偏远的新疆沙雅监狱后,中共当局还限制他的家人去探望。











Geng He: The Festivity Does Not Belong to My Family

During the holiday season when everyone is busy with the
celebration and family gatherings, Geng He expresses that
the holiday joy does not belong to her family. Geng He is
living in San Francisco.
For six years, she has not seen her husband, the human rights
lawyer, Gao Zhisheng, who has been detained in China.

Prior to Christmas, Geng He told Radio Free Asia,
“Every year, our hearts are sour at this moment."

From December 2004, human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng
addressed the Chinese Communist leaders three times to
expose the brutal persecution of Falun Gong, and to demand
the end of these inhumane atrocities.
Since August 2006, the authorities constantly kidnaped Gao
Zhisheng who suffered numerous tortures in detention.
He eventually received a prison sentence.

At the end of December 2011, Gao Zhisheng was thrown
into the remote Shaya prison in Xinjiang.
His family is forbidden to visit.

Henan Authorities Attack Christians on Christmas Eve

Henan Nanyue County authorities stepped up their
suppression of the local church and Christians.
Pastor Zhang Shaojie was arrested, and a dozen people
have been restricted at his home for two days.
They are his attorney, church members and activists.

When they tried to run away from his home on Dec.24,
they were met with beatings and arrest.

Human rights lawyer Liu Weiguo issued an immediate
microblogging to call for urgent attention.
He stated that a phone call revealed that the mob besieged
Pastor Zhang’s home and many were hurt.
Some of them were sent to the emergency room.

Activist Song Ningsheng was one of those restricted at
the pastor’s home.
He told NTD reporter that there were 12 of them,
including a child.
The Nanyue county government sent hundreds of people to
attack them on Chrismas Eve.

WUC: Six Women Die in Kashi Conflict

On December 24, a news release by the World Uyghur
Congress stated that conflicts occurred in Kashgar, Xinjiang
on Dec. 17 and claimed 16 lives including 6 women.

The statement indicates that the conflict occured during a
wedding of a Uighur family.

Prior to the WUC statement, Radio Free Asia has reported that
according to local villagers, the conflict took place as the local
police were trying to unveil the Uighur women. Consequently,
two policemen died and 14 Uighurs were shot.

However, the Communist regime’s official reports said
nothing about the women killed but that the police opened
fire due to a mob knife attack during their routine mission.

