【禁闻】雾霾席卷半中国 民众怒斥当局

【新唐人2013年12月11日讯】近两个月以来,大陆雾霾天气频发,先是东北三省发生了大规模雾霾污染,被称作“史上最严重的雾霾”。接着,在最近一周,一场更大范围的雾霾又笼罩了近半个中国,波及到 25个省、100多座大中城市。雾霾由北向南的扩散,引发了民众对当局治理大气污染不作为的愤怒和不满。















采访编辑/张天宇 后制/孙宁

Chinese Communist Regime: ‘Smog Helps Chinese People Stay United’

One of the worst recorded incidents of heavy haze has been sweeping through the entire northeastern region of China over the last two months.

Last week, the haze continued to envelop 25 Provinces and more than 100 cities. This is nearly half of China. The hazardous fog has diffused from north to south, and yet, the regime’s ignorance of air pollution has caused wide anger and resentment.

The Chinese National Meteorological Center issued an orange alert on December 8. The alert was for both fog and haze, marking the seventh consecutive day of a double orange alert. Chinese official state media reported that last week, haze had shrouded nearly half of China. It had spread from the north of China, to the southeast coast, and into the southwest region. The Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection revealed data indicating heavily polluted air has affected 20 Provinces and 104 cities.

Sourthern regions were directly affected this time, which was different from when it has effected northern areas. The Meteorological Center analyzed this massive haze has covered entire eastern provinces, with Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui most seriously hit.

For days, the smog has interrupted traffic, and closed airports, factories, and schools. It has seriously affected the daily routines of Chinese citizens. Many have complained about the ignorance and lack of response from the Chinese regime.

Mr. Lai, Hangzhou resident: “The government has done nothing, with just a phone notification. There is nothing concrete other than restriction on vehicles entering cities."

Traffic accidents have taken place in many areas, due to low visibility. Yesterday, there was a 20 vehicle pileup in Tangshan City, Hebei Province.

Chen Qiyong, Shanghai resident: “Visibility is very low. There have been many traffic accidents. The news has also reported about these accidents, and many more than usual have been caused by smog."

There has been an markedly increased number of patients admitted to major hospitals and clinics, who are suffering from respiratory diseases.

Chen Qiyong: “We basically cannot go out. It is hard to breath. I have had a sore throat for days. The doctor said that it’s caused by the smog. There are many patients in the hospital with coughs, respiratory problems, or cold like symptoms."

Ms. Jiang, a Jinhua resident: “My whole family is coughing. It was ok when the Air Quality Index was at 200 to 300. However, when it hit 500, the next day when I woke up, my voice was all gone. I am still speaking with a strange voice."

For many years, the Chinese Communist regime has promised to improve air quality, to help control the haze. However, the haze has only ever increasingly expanded. Famous TV host Meng Fei posted a microblog on December 8. It stated that in this, “environmental disaster, the government has the most responsibility." The blog gained hundreds of thousands of hits. Official state media CCTV, broadcast it’s own information on December 9.It stated that the smog helps the Chinese people to enhance knowledge, become united, receive fairness, grow consciousness, and cultivate humor. These five accidental benefits immediately sparked public outrage.

Ms. Jiang: “The regime is saying that the haze makes us all equal. How can I keep any more hope for it? The haze makes us all equal, that’s what it says.
It means the haze is a good thing, and is something of fairness. Will it ever care about controlling the smog?"

Many people complain that one of the main causes of increasing fog and haze is because the Chinese regime has never dealt with it.

State media, and it’s so-called experts
have made no convincing arguments.

Chinese people do not believe official reports that the haze was caused by coal and straw fires for heating. People in the south don’t need heating, but the haze still exists. Reports that it is caused by car exhaust fumes has also been refuted. It is considered that there are many more countries with higher densities of motor vehicles than in China, but they do not have the same haze problems.

A netizen wrote a satire poem to capture what is happening: “Far-fetched explanations try to fool the public, and blame the weather; Short-sighted measures continue the haze and poison the land; The haze of governance takes determination, not GDP."

Interview & Edit/ZhangTianyu Post-Production/SunNing
