【禁闻】青岛爆炸死伤惨重 民众怒求真相



















采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/孙宁

Angry Chinese Seek Truth about Qingdao Explosion

The crude oil pipeline explosion of Sinopec in Qingdao,
Shandong claimed 52 lives.
As of 1pm of the 24th, 11 went missing, there were
136 injuries, of which 10 were serious.
It is reported that 18,000 people were evacuated.

Facing the heavy causalities, media and people ask
for the truth and an investigation.
The following is our report.

While Chinese media outlets are covering the incident,
many have also reported facts about the troubled pipelines.

Qingdao’s local media, Bandao News, reported earlier
that the alleged east yellow pipelines had hidden risks.
Pipelines were built in areas formerly considered
to be wilderness and bustling urbanization soon followed.
Many of the pipes are buried under buildings
with less than a five-meter clearance zone.

These east yellow pipelines reportedly leaked 240 tons
of oil in May of 2010 due to pipeline rupture.

Beijing News had several questions such as, was there
a design flaw in these municipal pipelines since problems
already existed two years ago?

How did these pipelines pass regulations since they are
so close to a residential area?
Were nearby residents made aware of the existence
of these lines?
Were there any problems with Qingdao pipelines during
Sinopec’s October nationwide safety inspection?
The oil spill happened at around 3:00 am,
whereas the explosion occurred at 10:30 am.
Beijing News also questioned why, within the seven
and a half hours, was there no evacuation?

The regime news agencies such as Xinhua News also
questioned who’s being held accountable for the explosion.

Zhu Jianguo, former news director of Hong Kong based
media Ta Kung Pao, indicates that people who were aware
of the risk or were aware of the oil leak would not dare tell
due to the possibility of being charged with spreading rumor.

Zhu Jianguo, political columnist: “I think this incident
is related to Internet censorship and repression of public opinion.
There have been a series of incidents with heavy casualties
such as in Beijing, Shanxi, and Xinjiang since the talk of the Third Plenum."

People have expressed their anger and doubts on the Internet.
There are also lawyers suggesting the only way to find out
the truth is to conduct an investigation
into the municipal party secretary and the mayor.

The explosion also shocked the party leadership.

Both Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang delivered
quick rescue instructions.
Xi Jinping also visited the troubled Qingdao
on the 24th.

According to an Energy.china.com report, specialists
indicated, “Crude oil is not as easy to combust as gas or diesel.
Especially without the heat of summertime, without
external forces, a fuel-air mixture explosion is very unlikely."

Hong Kong based ifeng.com also questioned why the explosion
took place at a different location than the pipeline rupture site.

Mr. Xiu, former engineer of Sinopec: “It is very suspicious.
At the time of anti-corruption, when PetroChina, Sinopec,
and Shengli Oilfield were all being investigated,
this explosion happened.
It is said to be the biggest in Sinopec history."

Four PetroChina executives have been investigated
since late August this year.
Early September, Jiang Jiemin, head of the state security
apparatus was also removed on charges of corruption
during his post as PetroChina executive.

Former deputy director of Sichuan Provincial People’s
Congress Guo Yongxiang, who was once a colleague
of Jiang Jiemin at Shengli Oilfield, was alleged
to have committed serious discipline violations last June.

Mr. Xiu was once an employee of Shengli Oilfield.

He believes that the Shengli Oilfield gang has collapsed
following the fall of Jiang Jiemin and Guo Yongxiang.
The former Politburo standing committee Zhou Yongkang
was also once the head of the Shengli Oilfield.
He suspects a relationship between the Shengli Oilfield
investigation and the explosion in Qingdao,
a Shengli Oilfield affiliate.

Recently Hong Kong media also reported that
the anti-corruption campaign led by the secretary
of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,
Wang Qishan, is pointing at a retired Standing Committee.

It is plausible to suspect that Zhou Yongkang,
with his remaining influence in the political and legal system,
could have carried out this explosion.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/SunNing
