【禁闻】“王成”自爆是战俘 韩战真相再揭秘



















采访/田净 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬

Jiang Qingquan: Real Prisoner of War Behind “Hero" Wang Cheng

A Korean War film called “Heroes and Heroines”
portrayed the story of apparent hero Wang Cheng.

This has left a deep impression for many in China.

However, recently the real hero of the story appeared,
and revealed that he was captured on the battlefield.
He was suppressed by the Chinese authorities,
and was banned from exposing the truth.
Jiang Qingquan, living in Jinzhou, Liaoning Province,
revealed his secret story that remained hidden for years.
During the Korean War, the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) invaded Korea.

The truth has once again been exposed.

The Korean War was one of the largest
during World War II, and saw many casualties.
The CCP sent a million strong armed force, as
so-called volunteers, to participate the war in Korea.
When the truth is exposed about this war,
the falsity of the story portrayed in the
“Heroes and Heroines" movie is revealed.

“In order to win, fire at me.”

In the 1964 film “Heroes and Heroines", the
actor shouted, “In order to win, fire at me.”
This allowed the hero Wang to become a
hero in the mind of many Chinese people.

The movie “Heroes and Heroines" is based
on war memoirs “Tenacious voice- in memory
of Jiang Qingquan, a Walkie-talkie soldier".

During the Cultural Revolution, many
movies were criticized and banned in China.
However, this film was used as propaganda to help
promote the CCP’s view of Korea, and of fighting the USA.
The protagonist Jiang Qingquan
was transformed into a superhero.

Han Liang, Chongqing resident: “Why did
the CCP praise this person and his deeds?
It tries to make people learn from
him, sacrificing his life for the CCP.
However, it did not allow the truth to
be revealed about his later treatment.”

In the movie, the protagonist died on the
battlefield, but the real protagonist did not die.
He was captured, and was persecuted by
the ruling CCP after returning to China, in
order to prohibit him from exposing the truth.

85-year-old Jiang Qingquan, spoke to Hong Kong media.

He had fought hand to hand with U.S. soldiers,
and was almost stabbed in the heart by a bayonet.
On April 18, 1953, he fainted in a battle on the north hill
of Shixian Cave, and was taken to a US military hospital.

Because Jiang Qingquan’s name appeared on the list
of prisoners exchanged, according to the CCP rules,
he could not be publicized, or to be made into a hero.

Zhu Jianguo, political columnist in Shenzhen, China:

“It benefits the CCP authorities to continue to follow
this version of the story, and to shape it’s heroes.

They want the people to draw lessons from such deeds.

They want people to follow propaganda,
rather than know who this man really is.
It is also why in the past, it was hard to really
learn from Lei Feng, because the real person
is far different from the one being advocated.”

Jiang Qingquan joined the national army.
In 1949, he was transferred to the CCP military.
After the Korean War, he returned to his hometown,
but had to face confession, and plea guilty every day.

“Everything is gone. In those battles, my future
is gone, everything is gone, and I felt sad.”

The reputation of the volunteers being heroes
does not bring any benefits to Jiang Qingquan.
In addition to the veterans allowance of 800 Yuan
per month, the rest is propaganda in his name.

It provides him with no benefits.

For decades, the Chinese authorities have
been falsifying the cause of the Korean War.
It promotes that the United States
sent troops to invade North Korea.
The CCP state that they fought in the
name of ‘defending the homeland’.

Miss Li lives in the United States.

She recently visited the Korean War Memorial,
and was surprised that the knowledge instilled
in her since her childhood was wrong.

Miss Li: “I have been deceived for so many years.
I even learned it from the school textbooks.
It was said that the United States invaded Korea. If this is
correct, why would South Korea send floral wreaths here?
The relationship seems to be good, so
I asked my husband, who is American.
He said that it was not the United
States that invaded North Korea.
North Korea had a very cruel ruler, and the
Americans went to help the people there.”

On October 1, 1950, North Korean leader Kim Il Sung
sent a letter to the CCP leader Mao Zedong.
Kim put forward a request for
Mao to send troops to aid Korea.
On October 19, without a formal declaration
of war against the United States, China sent
so-called civil volunteers into the North Korea war.

This was not formally declared, so as to not
give the USA reasons to declare war on China.

On February 1, 1951, the UN General
Assembly adopted Resolution No. 498.
It decided that the CCP intervention in
North Korea was “an act of aggression”.
16 countries, including the U.S., joined forces to
support South Korea against North Korean aggression.

On July 27, 1953, the two sides signed
the Korean Armistice Agreement.
However, Chinese volunteer soldiers captured in the
Korean War were subjected to investigation by the CCP.

NTD reporters Tian Jing, Huang Yimei, Guo Jing
