







3月8号,多家英文媒体报导,据“胡润百富”研究报告(Hurun Report)显示,中共今年的两会共有83位亿万富豪,其中31位是人大代表,52位是政协委员,人数比去年上涨了17%。这些富豪代表的平均资产是33.5亿美元。




香港多名记者及摄影师,3月8号采访“诺贝尔和平奖”得主刘晓波的妻子刘霞时,遭到不明人士殴打,香港政界及媒体反应强烈 。





Petitioners Get Into The Great Hall Of The People To State Their Grievances

On March 7th, Two Tianjin petitioners successfully entered
residencies in Beijing belonging to the people’s representatives.
They stated their grievances to the representatives,
which attracted outsiders’ attention.

According to the report of Sixty-four Skynet, on the morning
of March 7th, Tianjin civil rights people, Liu Yong and Zheng
Yuming entered the Chamber of Shandong representatives.

They watched the activities of the delegates and reflected
on the corruption of Tianjin authority.
Corruption that meant Liu Yong’s daughter didn’t study in
university and other grievances.
The delegates didn’t accept their petition materials, however.

They said they would help them by raising the grievances
if they had a chance to.

Liu Yong said it was incredible that they could go into the
Chamber through such secret security for the two Congress,
He said, on that day in the Chamber, there were many police
and security personnel, but they didn’t stop him.
Liu said though he talked to the delegates,
he was not sure that they would help him.
They were also worried about their safety.

Liu had been a petitioner for ten years.

In 2007, because of petitioning, he was beaten by more than
10 police offices and injured his feet, leaving him unable to walk.

Regal Deputies Increased By 17% In The “Two Congress”.

So many regal deputies in the “Two Congress”
also attracted media attention.

On March 8th several English media reported that, according to
Hurun Report, there are 83 billionaires in the “Two Congress”.
31 are National People Congress (NPC) while 52 are members
of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Committee (CPPCC).

The UK’s “Financial Times" reported that, compared with
the USA and other countries, the delegates’ assets of Chinese Congress are the richest.
Out of the 83 of the richest people in the US House of Reps.
and the Cabinet, the average assets are $ 56.4 million.

Hong Kong “South China Morning Post” said China’s “Two
Congress” was now a political club full of the world’s richest.

Hong Kong Reporters Were Beaten In Beijing

On March 8th several Hong Kong reporters and photographers
went to interview Liu Xia, wife of Nobel Peace Prize winner
Liu Xiaobo and were beaten up by some anonymous thugs.
Hong Kong politicians and media strongly reacted to the news.

Hong Kong pro-democracy activists Yang Kuang visited
Liu Xia during the afternoon of March 8th.
Several reporters and photographers of Hong Kong radio station
and TV station followed him to get an interview.
However, four reporters and photographers were attacked
in the district where Liu Xia lived.

According to report BBC Chinese network, Zheng Shi Ting,

Hong Kong TVB reporters in Beijing said a photographer from
TVB was wrestled to the ground by five men who beat him, injuring his head, hands and feet.

Later, Hong Kong SAR Government, Hong Kong News
Executives’ Association and the Association of Reporters
issued statements condemning the murders,
saying that the event can’t be accepted.
They wanted the mainland authorities of the Chinese
Communist Party dealt with severely.
