【禁闻】中共两会召开 访民集会“打老虎”
















采访/陈汉 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬

Two Sessions: Hundreds of Petitioners Urge to Strike “Tigers”

During the period of Chinese Communist Party’s Two Sessions,
Beijing has had an influx of petitioners from across China.
For days, petitioners have protested at
Beijing’s South Railway Station.
Their banners are written, “Xi Jinping, Strike Tigers.”
“Bring Zhou Yongkang to Justice.”
Yet some petitioners have said that, in Beijing,
petitioners can be arrested if they go outdoors.
In other places, petitioners have been
placed under local surveillance.
Many have been asking,
“What are the Two Sessions for?”

The first session of the 12th CCP National Political
Consultative Conference is being held in Beijing.
Meanwhile, hundreds of petitioners protested the
CCP’s rule, at Beijing’s South Railway Station.

64 tianwang.com reported that on March 5 in the small hours,
over 50 police broke into petitioner’s residences in Beijing’s Fangshan District.
They took away 18 petitioners, including Chen Dashan,
a petitioner from Changchun city.
The police did not show their credentials, but alleged that

they were performing duties assigned by superiors,
and that it was an implementation of government action.

Reportedly, on March 3, Hu Deping,
the son of the late CCP leader Hu Yaobang,
arrived at a Petitioning Office under the
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI).
Hu was said to visit petitioners and inspect CCDI works.

Hu Deping’s car was surrounded by petitioners on their knees,
they handed over their statements to Hu.

Long-term petitioner Chen Dashan says that
Hu Deping’s inspection is just for show.

Chen Dashan: “At the time, Hu Yaobang was dismissed.
So Hu Deping just exploited his identity to make a show.
It was the same as what Wen Jiabao did last year,
meeting petitioners at the State Petitioning Office.
Why didn’t you meet them when crowds of petitioners
stayed in Beijing, when the majority had been back home for the Chinese New Year?
If you really care about petitioners’ demands,
why not just go to Jiujingzhuang?”

In Shanghai, over 300 petitioners jointly sent
an open letter to Xi Jinping.
It said that Xi is a delegate to the National People’s
Congress(NPC), so he has duties and obligations to submit proposals to the NPC.
The petitioners had hoped that Xi’s proposal would set up
rule of law in China and legally resolve injustices.
They also expected Xi to eradicate excess bureaucracy,
corruption, and to remove corrupt officials at all levels.

CCP leader Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed
“governance by the rule of law.”
Reportedly, Xi has warned CCP cadres at all levels to
take the lead in observing the law.
Xi once claimed he would fight cases of corruption that
involve both high and low-ranking officials (“tigers” and “flies”).

Media have reported that since the 18th CCP Congress,
eight senior officials have been taken down.
Two of them have been put under the Party’s secret
investigation prior to judicial procedure.
They are Li Chuncheng, Sichuan’s former deputy Party chief,
and Wu Yongwen, deputy director of Hubei Provincial People’s Congress.
Li Chuncheng was reportedly loyal to Zhou Yongkang,
and a former member of the CCP Politburo Standing Committee.

Yi Junqing was formerly chief of the CCP Central Compilation
& Translation Bureau, an official at vice ministerial level.
In January, Yi was removed from his post,
having been denounced by his mistress.
Media reported that when Li Changchun took charge of
CCP propaganda, Yi was his right-hand man, the other right-hand man was Liu Yunshan.
During Liu Yunshan’s tenure as CCP propaganda chief,
Yi again became Liu’s capable assistant.

China’s energy chief Liu Tienan, is known as the
“financial majordomo” of Jiang Zemin’s family.
He was denounced for involvement in huge graft.

CCP official media has confirmed that Liu Tienan
has been under a CCDI probe.
Jiang Zemin’s family is deemed the “big tiger”
behind Liu Tienan.

(Chair, China Anti-Political-Persecution Alliance) Liu Yinquan:
“It has merely been talk without action, too few have been punished.
Both Wang Qishan and Xi Jinping spoken for over two months,
yet no overwhelming action has yet been taken.
They’ve only arrested a few like Bo Xilai and Li Chuncheng
who are in jail but impossible to deal with.”

Beijing rights activist Hu Jia views both Xi Jinping and
Wang Qishan themselves as “big tigers" of the CCP Politburo.

Hu Jia: “Xi Jinping claimed that it would take ten years
to put into practice the necessary changes.
But in ten years, they’ll completely empty the national
treasury, and the money will have been laundered.
No matter how Wang Qishan brags, why hasn’t he declared
his personal assets after taking office as CCDI chief?
Sources on the internet have disclosed the existence of
a million-dollar mansion in his wife’s name, I hope he will clarify this issue.”

A neitzen from Guizhou posted, “If officials dare not
declare their assets, it indicates that they are still not coming clean.”
