【禁闻】美媒:美议员旅行 中共买单














采访编辑/刘惠 后制/薛莉

U.S. media: CCP pays U.S Members of Congress Travel Costs

In recent years, U.S. Congress staff visit China
frequently with the CCP’s funding.
Such visits are usually arranged by lobbyists
with business reasons.
The CCP usually holds a one-day meeting with U.S. officials
and arranges a sightseeing outing for the next eight days.
All expenses are paid by China. Outsiders pointed out that,

the CCP would like to take advantage of weaknesses of US
congressmen and of the United States.
It is difficult to achieve this purpose, although bribery and
corruption are seen as a cancer which will erode any humane Ideals, vigilance is necessary in this situation.

Washington Post has reported that congressional staff
members traveled to China for “Cultural Exchange“ last summer.
These Congress members lived in luxury hotels,
visited the Forbidden City, and Geat Wall,
and attended the introduction of dynastic antiquities
at Shanghai museum. All expenses were paid by the CCP.

Former Chinese intelligence officer Li Fengzhi: “The Chinese
government plans to build a good relationship with them and exert some influence.
Another reason is, the CCP wants to find those who share
the CCP’s appetite or are easy to develop further relations with during the visit.
The CCP will have further and closer contact with these
officials at a convenient time.”

It was reported that, according to the documents filed by the
U.S. Department of Justice, more than a dozen countries
have hired lobbyists to ask congressional staff members to
participate in these travel arrangements.
Before, a lobbyist named Abramoff admitted
to committing fraud and bribery in 2006.
Abramoff had arranged luxury travel for fellow
congressmen and their families and paid costs.

A lobbyist who had helped build these cultural exchange
activities said,
travel is an effective way to let congressional staff build
a sympathetic attitude in the countries visited.

Wu Ziyi, a Taiwan retired investigator:
“Gifts can blind people. In fact, there are major policies
organizations focusing on Chinese issues in the U.S.
The CCP could hardly exert influence with these organizations.

However, a word of intercession from a congressman may
affect policy, the policy of the United States itself is very mature and consistent.”

Washington Post quoted a former senior aide at a
congressional committee meeting, junior congressional staff often participate in these trips.
This is because they rarely have the opportunity to
participate in the official travel funded by the US government.

Travel organizers have said that, this is an important way for
U.S. government officials to understand the world without spending taxpayers’ money.

Guo Yongfeng, the sponsor of “The Federation of Chinese
Citizens who would Supervise the Government” said,
in China, the CCP wants to delay fate by using taxpayers’
money for foreign visits.
The CCP never treats the Chinese people as taxpayers.

Guo Yongfeng: “The CCP is a very corrupt political party.
It uses a variety of ways to buy off Western countries’ politicians.
Everyone in China knows the CCP,
and nobody has anything good to say about it.
In the CCP’s eyes, we are all slaves without rights.
If it were able to treat us as taxpayers, then we would have dignity.”

Zhu Xinxin, a freelance writer in China thinks that,
the CCP is full of villains with financial power.
The CCP controls a diffusion of corruption and bad habits.

Zhu Xinxin: “The greater the CCP’S economic strength,
the greater the force of its corrosion.
The CCP exports corrupt factors all over the world.

When some Chinese bosses go to Africa,
they export harsh exploitation and deprivation.
They use the oppressive methods with which
they treat migrant workers in China.
Some United States congressmen do not have the opportunity
to take advantage of the corruption within the country.
Although once they make contact with this corrupt regime,
they will be pulled into the water easily.”

Zhu Xinxin further pointed out that, some issues, such as
human rights, institutional corruption problems, are not considered internal affairs by the CCP.
With the acceleration of globalization, these bad factors
will be delivered to foreign countries.
They will bring all kinds of bad influences to world peace
and to international order.
