














采访/常春 编辑/李明飞 后制/周天

Attacking Wen to Save Bo? Wen’s Lawyers Rebuttal.

New York Times recently cast a stun grenade on Communist
China Premier Wen Jiabao by claiming his family amassed a fortune.
This explosive report was believed to connect
with a certain faction within the Party top level.
Other reports indicated serious faults in the news.

While it is yet to identify the involvement behind the scene,
Wen’s family lawyers from Beijing already rejected the claim.

On Oct 26th, New York Times reported “Billions in
Hidden Riches for Family of Chinese Leader."
This lengthy front page article alleged Wen’s family,
including his mother, son, daughter and brother,
have accumulated at least US$ 2.7 billion
during Wen Jiabao’s tenure as prime minister.

This New York Times article seems lethal, but speeds up
and aggravates Chinese Communist Party (CCP) central’s decision on Bo Xilai and the blood debt gang.
On the same day, Zhongnanhai issued an urgent enforcement
on investigation of Bo Xilai at midnight,
and party mouthpiece reported Bo was deleted
from the National People’s Congress.

George Mason University professor and political
commentator Dr. Zhang Tianliang indicates that
Wen Jiabao has always been Bo’s political opponent.

He also represents the CCP top leaders
who advocate to resolutely deal with Bo Xilai.
Jiang’s faction has long been planning to purposely
collect information on Wen Jiabao.
New York Times explosive report has thrown the cards
on the table for the blood debt gang represented by Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang.

George Mason University professor Zhang Tianliang:
“It was a foregone conclusion when Bo Xilai was expelled from both the party and the post.
Zhou Yongkang’s tactic is no use.
It only reveals their intention to drag everyone in.
Only when everyone dies will they be satisfied.
It’s no longer a power struggle. It’s a mentality to die with their enemy."

While New York Times report is yet to be confirmed,
several media believed there are serious faults in the report.

Boxun News Network reported from Beijing that
after verification on the 27th at least $ 2.2 billion (81%) of the reported $ 2.7 billion was questionable.

Wen Jiabao also formally responded
to New York Times report.

On the 28th, Hong Kong’s Ming Pao Daily News released
an authorized statement by lawyers on behalf of Wen’s family.
The statement was cosigned by lawyer Bai Tao from Beijing
Jun He Law Offices and lawyer Wang Weidong from Grandall Law Firm.
It stated that the reported “hidden riches” by
New York Times did not exist.

The statement said that Wen Jiabao’s family
“did not carry out any illegal business activity.
They do not hold shares of any companies.”

“The mother of Wen Jiabao has never had any income or
property except salary/pension according to the regulation.”
“Wen Jiabao has never played any role in the
business activities of his family members.
Still less has he allowed his family members’
business activities to have any influence on his formulation and execution of policies.”

The statement lastly said, “We will continue to make
clarifications regarding untrue reports by the New York Times, and reserve the right to hold it legally responsible.”

Political commentator Lan Xu: “This public statement
indicates that Wen Jiabao has no fear.
Reveal as much as they’d like. He is firm. This is his
approach to react to the news released through unclear channel.
That is he will take the legal channel to expose the fact."

Radio France Internationale questioned the objective
and neutrality of some of the investigative reports by overseas media.
Previously, Bloomberg News reported the amassed assets
by extended family of Xi Jinping.
Now New York Times revealed the hidden riches
of Wen’s family.
Could it be a trigger set by those
who are involved in the power struggle within the CCP?
After all, an independent investigation in the
CCP’s black box operation system won’t be an easy task.

The article said that regardless of the truth or lies of the news,
it will foster a positive push to realize property disclosure of CCP officials.
