【禁闻】反日游行变调 喊“打倒共产党”

【新唐人2012年8月20日讯】反日游行变调 喊“打倒共产党”





而在成都,因游行道路被警察阻断,人群与警察发生肢体冲突,多名学生和围观群众被打伤,有人手被打断,多名学生被抓捕,有人在队伍中高喊 “打倒共产党”。










Anti-Japan Protest Become Anti-Communist

On August 19, many cities in mainland China held Anti-Japan
demonstrations over the disputed Diaoyu islands (Uotsuri Jima).
Armed police forces and helicopters were sent
to keep the protesters in order.

However, protests in some places were out of control,
where protesters clashed with police.
Angry protesters turned over police cars, while some
shouted,"Down with the Chinese Communist Party," (CCP).

In Shenzhen, some protesters damaged cars made in Japan
and some restaurants were ruined.
Police were beaten, and one policeman’s car,
which was made in Japan, was turned over.
Some protesters were detained as a result.

In Shandong province, an Anti-Japan parade
turned into “Anti-CCP and Anti-Chengguan" parades.
The protesters held “Anti-Chenguan" banners,
walking to the city hall.

In Chengdu, police blocked the road of the parade,
and protesters clashed with police.
Many students and residents were beaten and injured.

Some people’s hands were broken, and students
were arrested. Protesters shouted “Down with the CCP."

Netizens: Oppose Communism First, Then Japan

This activity has incited great discussion on the internet.

Many people believe this rally took place under the intricate
planning and manipulation of the CCP.
Some claim it is an attempt to avert the public eye
and question whether it is a political conspiracy.

Yet, Boxun quoted what one party member said
from the CCP Propaganda Department.
The CCP “uses the pretext of protecting the Diaoyu Islands
to incite patriotism, aiming to occupy a high place in public,
and to suppress attention on the internet
from at home and abroad, especially negative reports."

As for the Anti-Japan activity, netizens point out to oppose
Japan, one should oppose the communist party first.

Legal expert Zhao Guojun analyzed on his microblog,
the reason for the Anti-Japan activity.
He says,"The gravest consequence of the Japanese invasion
of China is to let the CCP take over.
Hence starting the greatest misfortune for Chinese people
since then. For this point, there is Anti-Japan sentiment".

Many netizens believe it was “a stupid move" for those
marching in the parade to smash cars and stores.

The network executive editor of 21st Century said on microblog:
“Chinese land on Diaoyu Islands, Japan shackles them away.
Japanese land on Diaoyu Islands, Chinese people smash
Chinese cars instead of boycotting Japanese goods."

Gu Zhenzhong (Veteran media specialist) also posted on
microblog: “Would Japan take to the streets if they don’t land on the island?
Taking to the streets would be at the expense of the Japanese.
So, what is this Anti-Japan? What Boycott?”
