












采访编辑/常春 后制/柏妮

Analysis: June 29th Hotan Hijack is Framed

The CCP mouthpiece, Xinhua News Agency reported
on June 29 that,
6 Uighur suspects had attempted to hijack a plane which
was flying from Hotan to Urumqi in Xinjiang.
Xinhua says the suspects attempted to pry open the cockpit
with metal crutches,
and according to the CCP, the suspects had taken matches,
lighters and six deflagration materials.
Official reports claim that the suspects attempted to
blow up the aircraft,
but analysts say the claims are full of inconsistencies
and loopholes, raising suspicion that the CCP authorities had deliberately framed the Uighur people.
Analysts say the CCP’s claims aim to stir up the contradiction
between the Han and the Uygur. Here’s our expert interpretation.

On June 29, the director of the Information Office in Xinjiang
Uygur Autonomous Region told the Chinese Network of
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) that hijackers had
tried to pry open the cockpit with broken sticks, but in vain.
The Information Office says the gangsters were using
steel tubes, which were reassembled walking sticks.

Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the World Uyghur Congress,
refuted this statement.
Raxit says, according to 2 information sources from Hotan,
the real story is that, conflicts had arisen between
several Uighur and Han passengers over seating issues,
and the 2 sides had a tussle as the Uighurs were discriminated.

Hu Ping, Chief Editor of Beijing Spring, says that
there are many suspicions over the “hijacking” accusation.

Hu Ping, Chief Editor of Beijing Spring, said: “The first
doubtful point is of the suspects allegedly carrying cigarette
lighters, matches and six explosives, and that they had ignited
the explosives at the airport.
This statement is ridiculous because later, the National Civil
Aviation Authority claimed during a press meeting that,
their security check was all right and no explosives were
found on the airplane—It truly pricked a big hole in the lie.”

The so-called weapons of “walking-sticks”
also aroused controversy.

Hu Ping said: “They claimed that the suspects were using
walking-sticks, made of steel tubes, as weapons.
But in later reports, they called the weapons “metal tubes”
instead of “steel tubes”.
We all know that now both in China and abroad,

a type of walking stick made from aluminum alloy is
very popular because of their hollow shape and thin walls.
A walking stick like this weighs less than 500g and is even
lighter than wooden sticks;
so it’s too light to actually hit someone, more useless than
wooden sticks and impossible to use as hijacking weapons.”

Hu Ping says the authorities’ reports about the June 29
“Hotan Hijack” is full of flaws.
Various evidence indicates that it was not a planned or
organized hijacking.
Hu Ping says a planned hijacking requires collective action,

but in this instance, some passengers were involved in
a tussle while the others didn’t move.

Hu Ping: “According to another report, the first claim that
this was a hijacking did not come from the police.
Instead, a front-seat passenger, the Xinjiang Food Bureau
Chief, had first shouted “hijack!”
This is strange because there were so many well-trained
security guards on board.
If it is a real hijack, the security should be
the first ones to realize it.”

According to Hu Ping’s analysis, the CCP is intensifying
the contradiction between the Han and Uygur, in this way.

According to Twitter’s revelation, these six suspect hijackers
are all Uighurs from the Kashi area.

Since June 29, the situation in Xinjiang has become tenser.
Armed police are patrolling the City of Shihezi,
and those in Kashi Area are on first-class alert,
and tens of thousands of troops are in Hotan.
According to analysis, after maintaining stabilization
for years in Xinjiang, the situation becomes tenser.
CCP’s suppression on ethnic groups, beliefs
and its stabilization policy have come to an end.
