【禁闻】薄熙来下台延烧 军系秘帐急出逃














采访编辑/唐睿 后制/孙宁

Bo Xilai’s Removal Uncovers Military System’s Secret

Some time ago, rumors said that the Chinese military system
was transferring corrupt money abroad.
Taiwan media reported that since Bo Xilai’s dismissal, the
Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) infighting has intensified.
And those military linked secret bank accounts are
migrating out of China. Taiwan is their chosen destination.
Analysts said that since CCP officials have realized
that the CCP’s downfall is imminent, they are preparing their escape route.

Taiwan’s Excellence bi-monthly magazine reported that

during the first quarter, China’s foreign non-financial
investment, reached US$16 billion.
This is an increase of 95% compared with
the same period last year.
The report suggested that this was a sign of
cash migrating out of China.

The report said that a Taiwanese businessman had assisted
a company in China to invest in Taiwan a few years ago.
Recently, from the same channel, he was asked to spend
TWD 2.8 billion (US$100 million) to buy several listed companies and real estate in Taiwan.
China’s side requested him to be low profile;
to be highly alert during the process; and not to publicize the project;
break up the whole into parts to avoid attention;
and there will be more such businesses coming.

Heng He, current affairs commentator said that CCP officials
practice of transferring money abroad, has gone on for a long time.

Heng He, “The entire CCP is an interest group,
after the group has plundered the nation’s wealth,
they transfer it abroad, they won’t keep it in China."

Rumor said that, in 2002, the Bank for International
Settlement found an unclaimed $2 billion capital outflow.
It is said Jiang Zemin transferred this money abroad before
the 16th National Congress to prepare for a future escape.

However, experts revealed that after the Bo Xilai incident,
the CCP infighting intensified,
incidents coming one after another,
until reaching Bo’s top boss Jiang Zemin.
Thus military related secret bank accounts have been seen
to be migrating abroad.

Lan Shu, current affairs commentator said that cash
migrating abroad is indeed related to the CCP’s infighting.

Lan Shu:"Within Jiang"s faction, since Jiang ruled China
and until the Bo incident,
during the last 20 years, all officials in Jiang’s faction,
made fortunes via corruption.
Since the Bo and Wang Lijun incidents,
Jiang’s entire faction is facing collapse."

Lan Shu points out that since Jiang started the persecution of
Falun Gong, the blood-debt he owes has drawn international attention.
Thus, Jiang’s officials are watching the CCP’s collapse,
Starting to make their escape and transferring their money abroad.

Sources have said that Zhongnanhai’s political infighting
has resulted in cash migrating abroad,
Taiwan has become a convenient destination for this cash.

Lan Shu: “If Jiang still rules China, Hong Kong and Macao
are safe places for him to transfer money to.
However, if Jiang’s faction has failed in the CCP infighting,

the opposite faction doesn’t want to be blamed
for his actions, Jiang will therefore be thrown out.

So, if he only transfers money to Hong Kong
and Macao, it will not be safe.
So he chose somewhere further field,
in Taiwan or in Western countries.”

Lan Shu believes that no matter where the CCP officials
flee to, those whose hands are full of blood -debt can’t escape from international justice!
