【禁闻】高智晟被关押在新疆 胡佳号召探监






美国国务院发言人努兰(Victoria Nuland)当天表示,高智晟5年缓刑期下周就要届满,中共当局在这个时候宣布再把他关起来,美国对此“非常失望”。美国“要求中共政府立即释放高智晟”。












Lawyer Gao Zhisheng Jailed in Xinjiang, Activist Hu Jia Urges Visiting

News has been released on human rights lawyer
Gao Zhisheng, 20 months after he disappeared under force.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s mouthpiece Xinhua
News Agency released the news overseas, stating Beijing
First Intermediate People’s Court cancelled Gao’s five-year
probation, instead imprisoning him for a further three years.
During his probation, however, Gao was still imprisoned by
the CCP, having no contact with his family.
At present, Gao is held in Shaya County jail, 800km from
Urumqi, Xinjiang Province.

Gao’s wife Geng He wrote to Gao: “This time we hold your
hand tightly, won’t lose you, lose the contact….."
“There is a red string connects you and us, no matter where
you go, the red string will be tied to you."

On Jan.1, Gao’s brother Gao Zhiyi received a document
saying Gao was in Shaya County jail in Xinjiang.
Prior to this, the CCP did not inform Gao’s family of his case.
Gao’s family have been trying to find his whereabouts.

Gao’s brother Gao Zhiyi: “For the same reason, they sent him
to jail for three years.
It started on Dec.19, 2011. I called the jail, but nobody
answered the phone."

Before Gao’s five-year probation ended, Xinhua News
Agency published a brief news pieces on an overseas website.
The piece, dated Dec.16 2011, stated Gao’s probation was
cancelled, and he had been transferred to court.

The US State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland
commented that the CCP sent Gao back to jail just as his
five-year probation had nearly expired. The US is
“deeply disappointed" and urged his “immediately release".

According to law, cancelling probation needs full explanation.

Xinhua News Agency claimed Gao had seriously violated
probation rules.
Jiang Tianyong, a Beijing human rights lawyer, said however,
that this is controlled by the authorities. There is no legislation process.

Lawyer Jiang Tianyong: “Gao has been under their control
for five years. How can he violate the rules?
If Gao violated the rules, are those who control him being

Lawyer Gao Zhisheng who has defended human rights, was
sent to jail for three years.
He was charged with “inciting subversion of state power" and
given a five-year probationary sentence.
During probation, Gao’s family was monitored by the
He was arrested in Feb, 2009 by Shaan’xi police, resurfacing
briefly in 2010.
None of his family and friends knew his whereabouts.

Lawyer Jiang Tianyong: “Gao was tortured during these five
years. He suffered more than any other prisoner, but that was not enough.
The CCP didn’t let Gao go.
Anyone can tell this is unacceptable!
We can tell from his case that the CCP don’t respect the law,
they are violating the law."

Bob Fu, Founder of China Aid said that the CCP regime jailed
Gao in Xinjiang like an internal exile.
He said that the CCP regime could use a remote jail to prevent
concerned people from visiting Gao.

Human rights activist Hu Jia: “The jail is in a remote area,
it is isolated from us.
I understand that’s why the CCP regime didn’t jail him in the
capital city Urumqi.
Instead they jail him in Shaya, 830km away from us."

Geng He said that her parents had lived in Xinjiang for 46
years, and had never heard of a place called Shaya County.
It was too remote and no on knows about it or cares about it.

Hu Jia urges people travelling to Shaya County to visit Gao in
Shaya jail.
They need to let the police in the jail know that many people
in the world support Gao and appreciate Gao’s achievements.

Hu Jia, human rights activist: “Not only the prison, but
also Xinjiang’s legislation department.
Even Xinjiang’s legal committee, they certainly know why
many people appear suddenly.
Why many people visit Shaya jail, including many western
This is a constraint to the authorities, letting them know that
the world’s attention is here.
The world is concerned about a human rights lawyer’s life."

Hu Jia said that because of Gao, Shaya jail would become
one of the world’s focal points.
He hopes that those police who escort Gao in the jail should
treat him with more humanity and more respect.

NTD reporters Li Yun and Huang Rong
