






澳大利亚《悉尼先驱晨报》报导,事实上,缅甸军方并不希望缅甸变成中共政府的附属国。 今年9月,缅甸一位高级官员和前军队军官谈到:缅甸人民不希望自己的国家成为中共的卫星国。西方对缅甸的制裁,会使缅甸跟中国走得更近。









adually distancing itself from the Chinese regime

On Nov 30, U.S Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in
Myanmar for her historic visit.
Foreign media expressed the view that, Clinton’s visit is the
U S response to Myanmar’s recent efforts aimed at introducing political and economic reforms.
This also shows Myanmar is gradually distancing itself from
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

U.S Secretary of State Clinton’s visit is the first time a top
U.S diplomat has visited Myanmar
since the military overthrew the elected government in 1962.

For decades, Myanmar’s military government controlled the
country, heavily abused human rights, which resulted in sanctions by the U.S and the European Union.
Last year, Myanmar held an election and superficially
restored the elected government.

The new government has released more than 6000 political
prisoners and loosened control on the media and the Internet.
The new government has also held a direct dialogue with
opposition leader Aung San Suu and lifted her 15 year long house arrest.

Regarding this, the U.S hinted that if democratic progress
continues in Myanmar, the U.S might lift its sanctions.

The Christian Science Monitor reported that today’s
Myanmar is a direct contrast to the totalitarian mainland China.
The report pointed out that since the military took control of
Myanmar, the CCP has backed the Myanmar regime;
especially during 1988, when the Myanmar military violently
crushed civilian protests.
This resulted in isolation and sanctions from most countries,
but was continually supported by the CCP.

The Sydney Morning Herald has reported that, in reality,
the Myanmar military does not wish for Myanmar to become a subordinate state of the CCP.
A high ranking Myanmar official told a former military
commander this Sept. that
Myanmar’s people do not wish for their country
to become a satellite state of the CCP.
Sanctions by the west will only cause Myanmar to walk
closer to the CCP.

On the another hand, the CCP’s actions have aroused strong
anti-Chinese sentiment in Myanmar.

The Chinese regime plunders lumber resources in northern
Myanmar, destroying large areas of forest.
Chinese establishment of hydro power plants led to
environmental damage.
International Environmental Organization’s “Global Witness”
said, while Myanmar had banned logging in that area since 2006, the logging there has only had increased.
At the same time, large numbers of Chinese immigrants
rushed into Myanmar.
In northern cities like Mandalay, 40% of the population
is Chinese.

Myanmar announced at end of Sept, “following the publics
wishes” Myanmar will stop constructing the Myitsone hydro power plant invested by China.
Regarding this sudden decision, the CCP was
quite embarrassed.
Now Myanmar is improving relations with the U.S.,
increasingly angering the CCP.

The CCP’s media Global Times, claimed that the U.S
is digging away China’s foothold in Asia step by step.

Regarding this, Voice of America pointed out,
“respecting public wishes” is a foreign thought to the CCP.
In mainland China, the CCP forcefully “represent public will”
at any time, under any condition, and without the consent of the public.

Yangon University of Foreign Language political science
professor Wu Tanyan expressed,
Myanmar’s improving relationship with the U.S is inevitable
because it doesn’t trust India or China.

U.S experts on Asia believe, Myanmar provides natural
resources and access to the India Ocean for China.
If the U.S can establish a partnership with Myanmar,
this will reduce the risk of Myanmar forming an alliance with China in the future.

Japan’s Sankei Shimbun also expressed the view that,
if Myanmar is distancing itself from the CCP,
then the CCP has not only lost an ally,
but has also lost all of its investments in Myanmar.
This will force the Chinese regime to change
it’s entire Asia strategy.

NTD reporters Song Feng and Li Yue
