【禁闻】网管升级 网友讽新四大文明古国

【新唐人2011年10月31日讯】中共喉舌《新华社》10月26号发文,强调要加强对传统媒体和社交网络媒体的监管。不料,邻国缅甸在第二天就对外宣布解除对脸书 (Facebook)、推特(Twitter)及其他国际新闻媒体的网路封锁。大陆网友感叹,现在世界上仅存的实行网络管制的中国、朝鲜、古巴和伊朗,堪称“新四大文明古国”。















The ‘New Four Ancient Civilizations’

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) mouthpiece,
Xinhua News Agency, published an article on October 26,
stressing the importance of strengthening traditional media
and social media monitoring.
Unexpectedly, the next day, neighboring Myanmar announced
that it would lift its current blockade of Face book, Twitter,
and other international social media networks.

Mainland netizens said, now the world’s remaining countries
implementing network controls are China, North Korea,
Cuba and Iran, or what is now called
the ‘New Four Ancient Civilizations.’

Myanmar started using the Internet some 10 years ago,
but its military regime enacted very strict control measures,
blocking any website critical of its rule.

In 2011, a new administration came to power,
under the rule of, President Thein Sein.
In his inaugural speech in March,
he said the media’s role should be respected.

In September, Myanmar announced the lifting of a long-term
blockade on several foreign news sites such as Voice of America, BBC, Chinese sites and video site, YouTube.
On October 27, the Myanmar government once again announced
the official lifting of blockades on Face book and Twitter,
as well as other international media networks,
which in effect amounts to a lifting of all Internet blockades.

On October 26, Xinhua News Agency published a report,
by the Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee
which stressed the need to strengthen the management
of social networks and instant messaging tools.

Zhu Jianguo, an Shenzhen City-based activist,
told Radio Free Asia, that due to networking and micro blogging,
the Central Discipline Inspection Commission
and all levels of the Anti-Corruption Agency, are no longer needed,
so, officials want to retire these organizations.

Instead, they want to construct an online cultural front,
that is, they want to use micro blogging as
a propaganda tool or mouthpiece for the CCP, i.e.,
the so called “Fifty-Cent Party” micro blogging.

A micro blog in mainland China mocked countries
that still restrict Internet access,
such as China, North Korea, Iran, and Cuba,
calling them the ‘New Four Ancient Civilizations,’
alluding to the fact that all others countries have accepted
modern civilization, but those four are still ‘ancient.’

The Japanese website, Searchchina,
which reports Chinese news, also published an article dubbing China,
North Korea, Cuba, and Iran
as the ‘Network Dictatorship’s Four Kings,’
showing the close-mindedness and backwardness
of the Four Kings in the Internet age.

Beifeng, a news media agent for Hong Kong’s Sun TV,
told Deutsche Welle that netizens dubbed these countries
as the ‘New Four Ancient Civilizations,’ because they have
one distinct common feature: they’re all autocratic regimes.

Beifeng said that lying is the magic tool that the CCP uses
to maintain its power.
The presence of these widely popular social networking tools
makes the CCP very nervous,
as it knows that if it doesn’t stop the free flow of information
on the Internet, its rule will be threatened.

Beifeng: “The presence of these social tools on the Internet
makes the CCP’s realize that the controls they have in place
on traditional Internet content, no longer works,
such as China News portal content.
Although there is no Face book in China,
there is micro blogging, and also the Renren Network, etc.
When something happens, the authorities have no way to limit
the dissemination of information.

Li Daoming, a researcher on Chinese political issues
in the State University of New Hampshire,
said that China’s netizens are always looking for
a way around the CCP’s Internet blockade.
The CCP desperately wants to block the sea of public views,
but in fact, it’s left feeling powerless and frustrated,
as it realizes that what it controls is only a small part
of the Internet.

The Sichuan activist and Skynet respondent, Huang Qi said:

“Chinese authorities called for the effective control of
the Internet, however, such an approach isn’t consistent with international trends,
and is also completely contrary to the characteristics of
the Internet, which allows for the free transfer of all kinds of information.
Due to the Chinese people’s resistance to China’s
Internet blockade, the CCP authorities’ approach has completely failed.”

Huang also said that today, in the booming world of
social networks, although the CCP has strengthened it’s control on micro blogging
and other social media, it’s becoming more and more difficult
to strengthen its control of the so-called ‘On-line cultural construction.’

NTD reporters Li Mingfei and Wang Mingyu
